Thanks to Previous Contributors to the Website and Communities Directory
About the FIC Website
The Intentional Communities Website ( came online in 1994 and is published by the Foundation for Intentional Community. This website is funded by donations and sales of online ads and all labor is provided volunteer and/or at very low rates by those who support the FIC and the communities movement. Consider making a donation or becoming an FIC member.
About the Communities Directory
The Foundation for Intentional Community published its first print edition of the Communities directory in 1990 with new editions in 1995 and 2000. In 2004 we brought the complete Communities Directory to this website and are now allowing communities to update their information online, thus providing you with the most accurate and up-to-date information available.
This effort is funded through donations and volunteer labor. If you would like to support this project see our donations page. The print version of the Communities Directory has been published based on the data from this website for those wishing to have a hard copy version. Check out this blog post for more about the history of the website and the Directory.
Website Contributors
Photo: The Website Team meets at Twin Oaks for the FIC Org Meeting in Sep. 2013.
Christopher Kindig – FIC Business Manager
McCune Renwick-Porter – lives at Twin Oaks Community in Louisa, VA and he manages the FIC’s email newsletter as well as many aspects of the Community Store. He also handles the bulk of customer services requests and provides technical support.

Tony Sirna lived at Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage in northeast Missouri until 2014. He served on the FIC‘s board of directors since 1997, stepping down in 2013 after 17 years of service. He was the coordinator for this website since 2005. The primary coding for the Communities Directory was done by Skyhouse Consulting, with the bulk done by member Tony Sirna. Code was also supplied by Ofek and his work on the site. |
Kate Adamson was the coordinator for the online Communities Directory, helping communities keep listings up to date and accurate. She lives near Charlottesville, VA. |
The previous website design was created by Mark Mazziotti who lives at Red Earth Farms in Northeast Missouri. Mark also helped design the FIC’s logo. |

Jillian was on the road in the USA for two years as production manager of the 2000 edition of the Communities Directory and contributed to this website for many years. She lives at Great Oak Cohousing in Ann Arbor. |

Elph first became acquainted with cooperative living in 1987 while at college and has been involved with the FIC and CSA since 1991. He worked at managing editor of the 2000 edition of the Communities Directory. He keeps busy learning about people and relationships, and working as a computer geek. Current projects involve living at Great Oak Cohousing. |

Michael enjoys being focused on the present and finding pleasure in all the little things of life. He has lived in community since 1990 ranging from small co-op houses to the large (Sunward Cohousing) community. He became involved with the FIC at the Fall 94 Board meeting and was instrumental in the creation and maintenance of the site. He also co-managed for several years. Michael is still active in the communities movement. |

Velma is a long time communitarian and currently lives at Abundant Dawn Community in Virginia. She is not currently active in work but she created the first store. |