Submission Guidelines

The Foundation for Intentional Community (FIC) will review all submissions before publishing to its website. All submissions must pass the following community standards. Final discretion is determined by the staff and board of FIC. By submitting your form, you agree to adhere to the following Submission Guidelines. 

“Submissions” refers to anything the public wishes to publish on FIC platforms and website. This can be directory listings, banner and classified advertisements, comments on webpages or social media pages, library submissions, or content on discussion forums. Please contact us with any questions regarding our guidelines or visit our full Policies Page. Thank you for your support in keeping our platform safe and inclusive.


All submissions for classified and banner ads must be relevant to either intentional community or adjacent movements. Examples of adjacent movements include but are not limited to permaculture, tiny homes, sustainability, citizen organizing, etc. Images or videos not related to the approved topic will be removed.

All submissions for directory listings must describe an established (4+ adults, 2+ years) or forming (in development stage) intentional community. The listing must describe the community’s collective values, not a single person’s ideology. 


FIC will not allow submissions that discriminate against any protected class of people. Protected classes include, but are not limited to, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, religion/faith, or families with children. FIC is required to adhere to the Fair Housing Act regardless of your geographical location or the intent of your ad. To see a full list of protected classes, visit here

Violence & Offense

FIC does not tolerate violence against other people, named or unnamed. Violence can be expressed mildly as moralistic judgements and evaluations of others, or expressed as explicit abusive language that threatens violence, intimidation or incitement, and  results in harm (self or other). FIC will not publish an ad that includes offensive comments related to gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, mental illness, neuro(a)typicality, physical appearance, pregnancy status, veteran status, political affiliation, marital status, body size, age, race, national origin, ethnic origin, nationality, immigration status, language, religion or lack thereof, or other identity marker. This includes anti-Indigenous/Nativeness and anti-Blackness.

Exploitation & Graphic Visuals

FIC does not tolerate the promotion of or participation in  human exploitation of any kind. FIC will not publish an ad that implicitly or explicitly involves trafficking, terrorism, pornography, or sexual solicitation or objectification. We will not publish any images or videos that are excessively graphic. This may include, but not limited to, images and videos that glorify violence, celebrate the suffering or humiliation of others, or present non-consensual or underage content. 

Deceptiveness & Intellectual Property

While the FIC does not wish to fact-check all information and/or determine what information is Truth, we will not publish submissions  that knowingly include false information, particularly information that is deliberately intended to deceive. A submission deliberately misrepresenting itself will be removed. 

If at any time FIC receives information that the content infringes on intellectual property, privacy rights, or copyrights, or if FIC determines after publishing your submission that it violates one of the above guidelines, we have the right to remove your submission.