Renewable Energy and Cohousing Reduce Home Energy Costs

Posted on January 19, 2008 by
- 1 Comment

A recent article on does a great profile on Nubanusit Neighborhood and Farm, a cohousing community in New Hampshire. The article focuses on the communities Green Buildings (which will receive a LEED Platinum rating) and on their wood pellet boilers which provide heat and hot water for the community. The wood boilers use local, renewable fuel to heat the cohousing community for half the price of what most in New Hampshire would pay.

In addition to sharing a central house and a farm, neighbors share certain values, explains Hulbert. They all believe in community and in decreasing their footprint on the earth. She also thinks that many are attracted to the idea of participating on a farm; or at least living where farming is taking place and they can get a fresh supply of locally grown food.

Read the article.

One Reply to “Renewable Energy and Cohousing Reduce Home Energy Costs”

Navtej Kohli

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