How to Find Community

Posted on September 16, 2015 by

How to Find and Join an Intentional Community by McCune Porter, eNews editor A key component of the non-profit Fellowship’s mission is “To serve as a reference source for those seeking intentional communities, conferences, and other community building experiences and practices appropriate to their needs.” One of the most frequently asked questions through our web… Read More

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ICSA Conference 2016 Announcement

Posted on September 15, 2015 by

Announcement from the ICSA! INTERNATIONAL COMMUNAL STUDIES ASSOCIATION The 12th International ICSA Conference will be held in Tamera, Portugal in July 2016 The official Tamera website for ICSA2016 is now operating: Mail: ICSA Office: ICSA Website:

My Intentional Community and the Law

Posted on September 11, 2015 by

Breitenbush has a long history of dealing with legalities and illegalities, from installing a volcano as their “boiler” and blocking old-growth logging to successfully petitioning for a zoning variance.

Zoning Nightmare: Hartford’s Scarborough Street House

Posted on September 1, 2015 by

An unconventional family fights to stay in their collective house in the face of antiquated local ordinances which suppress community living.

It’s the Law

Posted on August 25, 2015 by

Communal living is no escape from dealing with legal issues and challenges coming from both within and outside the group.

Community and the Law, #168 Contents

Posted on August 21, 2015 by

Community and the Law can be uneasy bedfellows. Some intentional communities are hobbled by legal restrictions—especially zoning, building codes, and permitting requirements—or by other effects, both within and outside the group, of a complaint-driven legal system. Yet some groups are able to forge new approaches and help change codes and laws to support more cooperative and resilient ways of living. In “Community and the Law,” authors share on-the-ground stories and guidance for others hoping to coexist peacefully and productively with the Law.

How do I resolve group conflict?

Posted on August 4, 2015 by

Community Bookstore Special Best of Communities ― The Cream of Our Crop Agreements, Conflicts, and Communication by Kim Kanney, Community Bookstore Manager Best of Communities Volume VI Agreements, Conflicts, and Communication A special selection of articles from Communities magazine $10 Digital, $15 Print The Foundation for Intentional Community is pleased to offer you the cream of… Read More

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Urban Flex Farms: Farming on a Bicycle

Posted on August 4, 2015 by

In the face of structural challenges, some urban farmers are finding innovative ways to serve their neighborhoods.

The Balancing Act of Farming in Community

Posted on July 24, 2015 by
1 Comment

Is Cobb Hill a model of how to do community and farming cooperatively, or a case study in their challenges?

The Community’s Garden Orchestra

Posted on July 14, 2015 by

Engaging in collective food-production is like making our own music together: it’s both difficult and rewarding, especially with diverse players involved.

We Got An Egg!: A Study in Scarcity

Posted on July 4, 2015 by

At the Global Village, schoolchildren get a taste of impoverished peoples’ struggles to feed themselves.

Hot Topic, Raw Emotion, and the Spice of Life: Chewing over Food Choice in Community

Posted on June 24, 2015 by

At La’akea, members’ various approaches to food reflect the quest for emotional as well as physical sustainability.

How the Kitchen Is the Heart of a Community

Posted on June 14, 2015 by

A shared kitchen provides not just physical sustenance, but emotional benefits and greater connection to our food and one another.

Aurora DeMarco Becomes FIC’s Development Director

Posted on June 13, 2015 by

Aurora DeMarco Becomes FIC’s Development Director A New Dawn Aurora DeMarco Becomes FIC’s Development Director by Laird Schaub, FIC Executive Secretary Aurora DeMarco This February FIC tapped Aurora DeMarco (of Ganas Community in Staten Island NY) to become our new head of Development. This move is the start of a year-long transition to replace the various roles… Read More

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Cookin’ Dinner for the Revolution

Posted on June 4, 2015 by
1 Comment

A vibrant, reliable, and nourishing home-base can provide activists with a much-needed feeling of sustainability.

Why I’m a Locavore

Posted on June 1, 2015 by
1 Comment

By eating food grown locally by farmers we know, we can create a strong and resilient local food system and a healthier community.

Rough Start to Rural Community

Posted on May 28, 2015 by

Rough Start to Rural Community Christian and Johannes Zinzendorf call themselves Harmonists, with central beliefs around the value of hard work in an agrarian life, and a communion with the spirits in nature. They make their own clothes from fabrics that they grow and spin from flax. They grow and harvest grains, care for a… Read More

Best Friends Build Tiny House Village

Posted on May 26, 2015 by

Best Friends Build Tiny House Village Living in the same town was not enough for four couples who have been best friends for 20 years. They decided to double down on their relationship and buy a little bit of land “in the middle of nowhere” on the Llano River in the Hill Country of Texas.… Read More

Food and Community, #167 Contents

Posted on May 25, 2015 by

Food and community are both at the core of our experience as human beings. Food brings us together and helps us understand and define who we are in groups. It highlights our interdependence and brings up core issues such as how we make decisions, how we relate to one another and the earth, and how we balance individual and collective needs and preferences. In “Food and Community,” our authors share stories and explore issues from locavoracity to global consciousness.

Is this Normal?

Posted on May 14, 2015 by

Support the Global Ecovillage Network Summit

Posted on May 12, 2015 by

Support the Global Ecovillage Network Summit From July 6-10th, hundreds of activists will gather at the Findhorn Ecovillage in Scotland for the GEN+20 Summit. They will celebrate 20 years of uniting people around ecological solutions, and plan the next steps to spreading sustainability around the globe in these important times. “Since it’s founding in 1995,… Read More

A Resilient Society

Posted on May 5, 2015 by

A Resilient Society Resilience is the ability to absorb shocks and continue to function. In this short video series the Post Carbon Institute explores the questions around how our world has gotten to where it is, and what a world can look like functioning within it’s limits. The Law of Diminishing Returns The Great Burning… Read More

5 ​R​easons ​W​hy ​I​ntentional ​C​ommunities are ​M​ore ​Relevant ​Than ​E​ver

Posted on May 4, 2015 by

5 ​R​easons ​W​hy ​I​ntentional ​C​ommunities are ​More Relevant Than Ever In the 70’s and 80’s there was a flurry of intentional communities that then seemed to lose their relevance, and less followed. Interest and developments have once again mushroomed for obvious reasons. Here is a brief countdown of some of the reasons. ​1. Freedom of… Read More

Income Sharing Urban Communities

Posted on May 2, 2015 by

Income Sharing Urban Communities Point A is a group which has “an audacious proposal to form urban, income sharing, egalitarian, democratic, ambitious, engaged communes in the cities of the American East Coast.” So far these cities include Washington DC, Baltimore, New York City, and Richmond. That is a lot of adjectives! Here are some descriptions… Read More

Short-Term Vacation Cohousing: A Great Way to Learn

Posted on April 29, 2015 by

Two retirees discover a way to explore cohousing without long-term commitment—and after several extended visits, decide it’s for them.

Permaculture Resources at Your Fingertips

Posted on April 27, 2015 by

Self described as a big crowd of permaculture goofballs, is chock full of forums, links to resources, videos, and helpful information about smart ecosystem design! Check out for a trove of permaculture resources at your fingertips.

Nautilus Shaped Wind Turbine

Posted on April 25, 2015 by

The Archimedes is a unique new design in alternative energy. It is a nautilus shaped wind turbine, in that it’s blades are shaped like a Nautilus shell. This design allows it to point directly into the wind to capture the most amount of energy, while remarkably producing very little sound.          … Read More

All About Healing

Posted on April 22, 2015 by

Learn All About Healing Many are opting to localize their approach to well being, by taking as much responsibility for their health and healing as they can. explores health from many dimensions including the body and mind, your community, and the environment. It examines increasing and sustaining healing through a multitude of disciplines, which… Read More

Earth Is Home

Posted on April 21, 2015 by

Earth is Home Happy Earth Day! by Christopher, Communities Business Manager Earth is Our Home All communities on this planet depend on Earth to survive. What should be self-evident is too often lost in the noise of commerce and progress. Earth is a lucky living system we are integrally a part of. We depend on… Read More

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A Baby Boomer Rediscovers Community

Posted on April 20, 2015 by

After falling into a disillusioning “status quo” existence, a baby boomer rekindles his zeal (and ability) to live by his values at Belfast Cohousing and Ecovillage.