Creating Inclusivity with Sociocracy with Ted Rau

Posted on June 16, 2022 by

Creating Inclusivity with Sociocracy with Ted Rau Inside Community Podcast — Ep. 012 Hear Ted Rau share how sociocracy brings an incredible opportunity to cooperative groups to embody higher levels of inclusivity through their governance. At the beginning of this episode, we get a unique opportunity to hear Ted’s story of transitioning in community with… Read More

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Exploring Cohousing with Trish Becker

Posted on June 2, 2022 by

Exploring Cohousing with Trish Becker Inside Community Podcast — Ep. 011 Cohousing benefits include autonomy, resource sharing, social and emotional connection, and a model for engagement and democracy that reaches beyond community walls. Join Trish Becker and I, as we discuss the ins and outs of cohousing. In this episode About Trish Becker Trish Becker… Read More

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Navigating Conflict and Restoring Connection with Alyson Ewald

Posted on May 20, 2022 by

Navigating Conflict and Restoring Connection with Alyson Ewald Inside Community Podcast — Ep. 010 Conflict is inevitable. Alyson Ewald shares how to have a good fight and transform harm into connection, through personal and effective conflict systems. In this episode About Alyson Ewald Alyson Ewald works with individuals and groups to design systems and practices… Read More

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Skillful Facilitation for Any Situation with Laird Schaub

Posted on May 6, 2022 by

Skillful Facilitation for Any Situation with Laird Schaub Inside Community Podcast — Ep. 009 Moving groups through tough decisions can be tricky, if not impossible, without a skilled and well-trained facilitator to hold folks through the process. Laird Schaub joins us today to talk about the how’s and why’s of excellent facilitation. You’ll learn from… Read More

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Income Sharing & Innovating Economy with Sky Blue

Posted on April 22, 2022 by

Income Sharing & Innovating Economy with Sky Blue Inside Community Podcast — Ep. 008 In this episode, I’m joined by Sky Blue to discuss income sharing and innovating economic models by living in community. We examine some of the ways communities and collaborative culture endeavors are reimagining the way they design and live into their… Read More

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Governance & Decision Making with Diana Leafe Christian

Posted on April 8, 2022 by

Governance & Decision Making with Diana Leafe Christian Inside Community Podcast — Ep. 007 When it comes to deciding who gets to make decisions and how decisions get made, the communities movement has done a lot to innovate more equitable and transparent strategies. In today’s conversation with Diana Leafe Christian, we talk about the importance… Read More

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Facilitation and Politics with Yana Ludwig

Posted on March 28, 2022 by

Facilitation and Politics with Yana Ludwig Inside Community Podcast — Episode 004 [Part II] This is a bonus conversation from episode 004 on Finding Co-Founders and Creating Cooperative Culture. Enjoy! Follow the show and see inspiring images and video of community life on Instagram @InsideCommunityPodcast – I’d love to hear from you there!  If this content has… Read More

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Finding Your Land with Jonah Mesritz

Posted on March 26, 2022 by

Finding Your Land with Jonah Mesritz Inside Community Podcast — Ep. 006 Sometimes the community dream only starts to “feel real” when the time finally comes for forming groups to purchase land.  Putting down a large sum of money and taking that responsibility on with other people often brings up a load of fear and… Read More

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Demystifying Legal Frameworks with Clifford Paulin & Jonah Mesritz

Posted on March 12, 2022 by

Demystifying Legal Frameworks with Clifford Paulin & Jonah Mesritz Inside Community Podcast — Ep. 005 Do legal structures and documents make your head spin? Fear not! In this episode we’re diving into the financial and legal issues all communities face (but many dread looking at) with two expert guides. Solid agreements are essential for creating… Read More

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Finding Co-Founders and Creating Cooperative Culture with Yana Ludwig

Posted on February 26, 2022 by
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Finding Co-Founders and Creating Cooperative Culture with Yana Ludwig Inside Community Podcast — Ep. 004 [Part I] Thinking of starting an intentional community? The first step is finding “your people” ⁠— the fellow founders you will join with to build community. This is no easy task! Timing, personality, finances, vision, and values are but a few… Read More

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Becoming a Steward of the Commons with Lee Warren

Posted on February 11, 2022 by

Becoming a Steward of the Commons with Lee Warren Inside Community Podcast — Ep. 003 There are many communities out there looking for capable and eager new members to become a part of their project and help build their vision. Today we are going to focus on how you might best approach those communities, how… Read More

Filed Under: Podcast

Vision and Values with Dave Henson

Posted on January 28, 2022 by

This episode explores the topic of Mission, Vision, and Values in community. These guiding principles and founding documents help communities determine who they are and what they do.  In many ways, this is the “intention” part of intentional community. Joining me on a deep dive into this topic is Dave Henson. 

Filed Under: Podcast

Why me? Why now? The Introduction

Posted on January 13, 2022 by

Why me? Why now? The Introduction Inside Community Podcast — Ep. 000 In this episode, I take a moment to introduce myself, tell you a little bit about my journey creating and living in community, and why this podcast felt so important for me to create now. Follow the show and see inspiring images and… Read More

Filed Under: Podcast

What is Community? Fantasy vs. Reality

Posted on January 13, 2022 by

Hello friends and welcome to the Inside Community Podcast where I bring you along for an inside look at what it takes to create and sustain community.  In this episode we are going to take a look at what we actually mean when we say “community.”

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Timeline of Intentional Communities

Posted on October 8, 2021 by

Content below was originally published by Peace News and author Lauren Kelley. Search for communities in our directory. This is not in any way intended to be a definitive statement – more a pointer to some of the more significant developments in the theory and practice of community. Intentional Communities Timeline 6th Century BCE through… Read More

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It’s a wrap! — Greeting and 2020 Update from FIC Core Team

Posted on November 18, 2020 by
1 Comment

Friends and supporters, We put together the video above as our way of saying hello, showing appreciation for your support, and giving some updates on how 2020 was for FIC. Have a watch and enjoy! Much more information is available in our 2020 Annual Report. This report is the culmination of a year of unexpected… Read More

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New! 🌟Intentional Community t-shirts, hoodies, masks and more!

Posted on November 13, 2020 by

All new t-shirts, tanks, hoodies, bags and masks so you can show the world how much you love intentional community. Happy shopping ya’ll! Get a jump start on your holiday shopping with gifts made for community lovers. Plus! When you shop with us, your purchase supports our non-profit in carrying out our mission to grow intentional… Read More

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BIPOC Intentional Community Council

Posted on August 18, 2020 by

The BIPOC Intentional Community Council supports communitarians of color in building inclusive intentional communities Our mission is to cultivate radically safe and inclusive communities for black, indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC) by providing inspiration, solidarity, and support to those seeking to find or found communities, and to those already living in community. In 2020,… Read More

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How have intentional communities fared through the pandemic?

Posted on July 8, 2020 by

New research shows how intentional communities have responded to the coronavirus crisis. With people’s lives upended across the globe, we can’t help but wonder, how would we have responded to the coronavirus crisis if we all lived in intentional communities — ecovillages, cohousing and the like — instead of our conventional neighborhoods?  And how have… Read More

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Examining White Supremacy Culture in Intentional Community

Posted on July 4, 2020 by
1 Comment

When white people ask the question, why aren’t there more POC living in intentional communities, one of the answers some speculate is that “they find community in other ways.” I think there are a few things that idea gets wrong. It assumes that controlling land for the purposes of community building is something POC aren’t… Read More

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Black Lives Matter

Posted on June 13, 2020 by

We at FIC are grieved and outraged by the recent police killing of George Floyd, one incident in an ongoing pattern of police abuse towards black people and people of color across the United States. We stand in solidarity with #BlackLivesMatter and the groundswell of peaceful protests around the world. We support demands for accountability and justice. We… Read More

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Fifty Shades of Community

Posted on April 5, 2020 by

What’s the difference between a cult and a community? How, when seeking community, can you avoid hooking up with a cult?  I can’t answer these questions with certainty or authority—but I can offer some relevant insights, drawn in part from my involvement, over the past twenty years, with a cult, a community, and something in… Read More

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Thank you Clearly Canadian

Posted on March 30, 2020 by

Clearly Canadian answered the call! Thanks to our new Communities Directory Sustainer we have been able to start shifting our website to a more reliable server, ensuring that community seekers can continue to access our online Communities Directory for much needed connection and inspiration. Thank you Clearly Canadian! To find out how you can become… Read More

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COVID-19 Resources

Posted on March 17, 2020 by

Here you will find COVID-19 resources submitted to us by intentional communities across the US, including examples of Community Safety Protocols. Please use the information to stay healthy and keep your community safe. We’ll keep updating this page regularly during the coming weeks. Got advice? Send your links our way! Contact us. General Resources COVID19 Emergency… Read More

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Loneliness is an Epidemic, Community is the Antidote

Posted on December 3, 2019 by

I’m embarrassed to admit it, but I’ve been pretty lonely lately.  Here I am, Executive Director of the Foundation for Intentional Community, and while technically I am living in a community, my current transitional and transitory lifestyle, including working remotely, is leaving me isolated a lot of the time. It feels terrible, and it’s hard… Read More

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On Community: A Graduated Series of Consequences and the “Community Eye”

Posted on November 26, 2019 by

Just knowing the community has this process in place deters people from breaking agreements. People don’t want to get a knock at the door by one fellow community member, much less three or four.

Raising Troubled Children in Cohousing

Posted on November 19, 2019 by

When the antisocial behavior of adopted boys at Takoma Village Cohousing begins to impact the larger community, their parents find open communication essential in identifying a path forward.

Discovering the communities of Quebec, on bicycle!

Posted on November 12, 2019 by

Written by Thumbs. Originally published on November 11, 2019 at communelifeblog A RURAL PENINSULA IN QUEBEC IS A HIDDEN GEM OF THE COMMUNITIES MOVEMENT Gaspésie Quebec is the Olympic Peninsula of the East Coast; a mountainous peninsula, with a rugged coastline, spotted with small towns fueled by fishing and logging, with a vibrant indigenous culture,… Read More

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Whatever Happened to the Renaissance Community?

Posted on November 12, 2019 by
1 Comment

Despite the lethal combination of power, ego, and spirituality that brought the Renaissance Community to an end, most of its ex-members cherish their time there as a growth experience that made them better people.

In the Shadow of the Guru

Posted on November 5, 2019 by

Referring to himself as “the biggest asshole” in the county, a group’s spiritual teacher “told us if we could work with him and learn from him, we could deal with anyone in any situation.”