
by Scott Lynch
Forming Communities
Valle Arizona

Hello and welcome home let me say 🙂

This community need you to become more than just my place. So far I’ve got 20 acres and a few cabins and a community building/coffee shop. I rent some of the cabins and also tents in the summer to campers coming to visit the Grand Canyon (which I’m right next to).

The plan is to create an eco-social community with much of my background inspiration coming from Murray Bookchin and his thoughts on ecological socialism as the basis for what it’s going to take to advert climate crisis. A community with direct democracy of each member one voice one vote idea of which I have details in mind of how it can work. But I’m looking for those who find this model is along the way they feel also and then we can hash out the foundation details together. I really stress true Democratic anarchy so no one person has more say than another in togetherness we will find the best way and tweek it as we find a better way yet.

Important note the renting of the cabins and tents produce a good income industry already in action that we would use as the community industry so to speak.  and expand it to meet all our needs with no need to go out and find extra income. this place is already fully self sufficient with an income, power and water (all of grid), and gardens. Also that reminds me another important note this is a medical marijuana state, I’m a medical marijuana patient with authorization to cultivate so you should at the minimum really appreciate the plant for it’s many potential uses if not like it otherwise.