Networking Communities, #180 Contents and Free/By Donation Digital Download

Posted on August 23, 2018 by

Just as no person is an island, no intentional community is an island. ICs are connected to other communities and cooperative groups locally, regionally, nationally, internationally—whether those connections are actively cultivated or simply present in shared participation in a cooperative experience. Intentional cultivation of those ties—the fostering of networks—can make each participant group stronger and more resilient. In Communities’ “Networking Communities” issue (Fall 2018, #180), authors share their journeys in exploring and creating networks—among communitarians, among communities, even among networks of communities and among communities researchers. They discuss the joys and benefits as well as trials and tribulations of organizing networking gatherings, of attempting to address social justice, ecological, and related challenges through collective visioning and action, of working toward an equitable and regenerative future in concert with others, of exploring the edges of cultural evolution, of learning from others’ experiences as well as their own. They talk about the potential of further networking to help us create the future we want to see. We hope you’ll draw helpful information, inspiration, and insight from their stories. Once again, the issue is available via free/by donation digital download at

Cohousing Makes You Happier

Posted on August 20, 2018 by

  Loneliness kills. This is what new evidence suggests from a range of reputable institutions and studies, to bolster that likely feeling in your gut about this. To clarify, loneliness… Read More

What does it mean to live like a village?

Posted on August 13, 2018 by
1 Comment

What is a Village? “In the simplest terms, it is the intersection and interconnection of people and place” explains Jamaica Stevens, author, event producer, and community activist. “How do we… Read More

Arizona Ecovillages in the News

Posted on August 6, 2018 by

“If life is about something, it’s about getting along with people.” Don Clark reports from his Arizona ecovillage. “Since last year, the volume of people inquiring has doubled,” “A lot… Read More

Remembering Zendik: Mating in Captivity

Posted on August 2, 2018 by

Helen Zuman’s debut book describes in detail her six-year-long involvement with a radical intentional community that also fits many people’s definition of “cult.”

Use New Power to Build a Movement

Posted on August 1, 2018 by

What is New Power? It is not just a change in technologies that is reshaping our world, our culture, and our participation in it. Our beliefs and expectations for what… Read More

The Concrete Thinking of Hobbits

Posted on July 27, 2018 by

What makes Maitreya Mountain Village’s multi-functional Hobbit Hole so eco-friendly is that it’s constructed of concrete. Yes, you read that right.

Top 17 Myths About Intentional Communities

Posted on July 25, 2018 by

Why not Join a Community? “I would live in a Community, but…” fill in the blank here. There are a lot of assumptions, fears, and misunderstandings about intentional communities that… Read More

Call it Your Community

Posted on July 25, 2018 by

Humanity thrives when people work together. An “Intentional Community” shows what happens when people take this premise to the next level — by living together in a village of their… Read More

From Blight to Beautiful: Renovating an Urban House By and For Community

Posted on July 20, 2018 by

An overgrown lot with a dilapidated house transforms into an urban permaculture oasis thanks to the efforts of the Bread and Roses Collective in Syracuse, New York.

It Takes a Village to Organize a Mind

Posted on July 19, 2018 by

I studied psychology in high school and college, and still find it imminently relevant today. I am fascinated when evolutionary psychology can offer insight into the roots of why we… Read More

Press Release – Pilot Episode and Campaign Released

Posted on July 18, 2018 by

Renewable Energy World and over 130 other online news outlets picked up the press release, as follows: Pilot Episode and Campaign Released for ‘Planet Community’ – Web Series That Features… Read More

A High-Performance Building for Cohousing: From Vision to Move-In

Posted on July 13, 2018 by

So you want to design, build, and live in community in the most ecologically positive building that can be built? After a decade-long pursuit of that goal, a co-creator of Capitol Hill Urban Cohousing recounts lessons learned along the way.

The Virtue of Sharing

Posted on July 11, 2018 by

How Important is Sharing to the Future? This ‘Future Tense’ podcast ‘The Virtue of Sharing‘ covered the remarkable nature of sharing, and it’s critical importance to a thriving human culture,… Read More

Planet Community: Holistic solutions to systemic problems – Help us launch a new video series!

Posted on July 9, 2018 by

  We’re creating a new web series! Please support our Kickstarter campaign!   Okay y’all, we’ve got a problem.  Let’s get real. We are facing multiple, interconnected global dangers, rooted… Read More

Filed Under: All Blog Posts

Good Neighbours with Earth: Using natural building materials in community-scale construction

Posted on June 29, 2018 by

Earthsong Eco-Neighbourhood offers their mistakes, successes, and learnings in the hope of encouraging the wider use of natural building materials and systems in cohousing projects.

Eco-Building at the Ecovillage (I Have Built a Home)

Posted on June 22, 2018 by
1 Comment

At Earthaven Ecovillage, the experience of planning, building, working with others, and living in the sensual, earthy “Leela”—part temple, part hideaway—proves to be a dream come true.

Building with Respect

Posted on June 15, 2018 by
1 Comment

Green building could be our salvation or hasten our destruction, depending on what we pursue and how. Here are a dozen suggestions to make the former more likely.

Common Bound Is Coming!

Posted on June 8, 2018 by

We’ve mentioned this before but this year the FIC is especially proud to be co-sponsoring the New Economy Coalition’s Common Bound Conference in St. Louis, June 22-24. There’s still time… Read More

Ionia’s Barn Project: Where Community and Natural Building Meet

Posted on June 8, 2018 by

At this cooperative ecovillage, the barn is magical, a space that will make a liberating special meeting area, meditation nook, reading loft, and more…once, after nine long years of building, it is done.

Building in an Ecovillage: Lessons Learned

Posted on June 1, 2018 by

Yes, you can build your own house; you don’t have to do it alone; you don’t have to do it all…and 18 more tips from a professional builder who learned his trade at Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage.

Harmonious Homemade Habitat

Posted on May 30, 2018 by

Having built the strawbale house of her dreams, a Tolstoy Farm resident encourages others to use natural building and eco-materials to construct durable, nontoxic, low-impact, energy-efficient, and creative structures.

Building Collectively Is Greener, Easier, and Cheaper

Posted on May 28, 2018 by

Eco-building in community offers both opportunities and challenges, benefits and potential drawbacks, as compared to doing it alone.

Adventures of the Mini Moon: Realities of building your own earthen house with reused materials and volunteer labor

Posted on May 26, 2018 by

Becoming a general contractor for a project way beyond one’s abilities can be a powerful, humbling, community-building learning adventure, especially when the house is made of horse manure.

Eco-Building, #179 Contents and Free/By Donation Digital Download

Posted on May 24, 2018 by

For reasons both practical and ideological, intentional community has long been a hotbed of eco-building activity. In Communities’ “Eco-Building” issue (Summer 2018, #179), authors share their eco-building journeys, ranging from nearly-free stick-framed shelters to high-end green developments. They examine how to assess whether a building is actually “eco,” hard choices they’ve needed to make, the benefits and challenges of taking on eco-building projects in community, or of retrofitting vs. building new, and much more. Once again, the issue is available via free/by donation digital download at

Call for Workshops at the 2018 Twin Oaks Communities Conference

Posted on May 23, 2018 by

The Twin Oaks Communities Conference, in partnership with the FIC, is seeking workshop proposals for their annual Labor Day weekend event (August 31st to September 2nd). Workshops fall under two… Read More

Filed Under: All Blog Posts

Transition Towns’ Stories for Change Beyond Survival

Posted on May 11, 2018 by

Transition US, the national networking and organizing group for Transition Towns, is celebrating their tenth anniversary with the series, 10 Stories of Transition. Last month in the FIC’s webinar series,… Read More

Yes! Magazine’s Decolonize Issue: Another Forum for Change

Posted on April 30, 2018 by

The FIC would like to express its support and enthusiasm to Yes! Magazine for its Spring 2018 edition- The Decolonize Issue. We encourage you all to check it out. Just… Read More

Filed Under: All Blog Posts

Transition Towns and Intentional Communities – Community Builders Forum – Webinar #8

Posted on April 27, 2018 by

Transition Towns: Intentional Communities for the 99% What to look forward to in this webinar: While building and growing intentional communities is an important part of the resilience-building work of… Read More

Filed Under: Podcasts + Webinars

Want to Connect with the Next Generation?

Posted on April 27, 2018 by

Are you an elder seeking to team with youth in community? A young adult looking for community? The FIC is proud to co-sponsor NEXTGEN North America’s Ecovillage Pathways gathering for deep… Read More