Effects of Technology on Human Interaction

Posted on March 28, 2013 by

Article proving that face to face connection is qualitatively different, and literally more healthy, than digital connection. “To appreciate why this matters, here’s a quick anatomy lesson. Your brain is… Read More

Dan Pallotta: The way we think about charity is dead wrong

Posted on March 25, 2013 by

Putting the non-profit sector, and what it takes to raise money for worthwhile causes, in a new light! …What do you think? http://www.ted.com/talks/dan_pallotta_the_way_we_think_about_charity_is_dead_wrong.html

Shade Tolerant Plants

Posted on March 25, 2013 by

Read some more here: http://organicgardening.about.com/od/vegetablesherbs/a/shadeveggies.htm

Intergenerational Cohousing

Posted on March 18, 2013 by

Intergenerational Cohousing Some may assume that if retirees are moving into a community or shared housing, it must consist only of other retirees. However, “some older adults are challenging that… Read More

An Interview with Ira Wallace

Posted on March 7, 2013 by

A community pioneer and activist shares her stories.

Achieving Affordability with Cohousing

Posted on March 7, 2013 by

Cohousing is intrinsically an affordable model; here’s why and how.

Affording Communities

Posted on March 7, 2013 by

Together—but only together—we can afford to keep publishing Communities.

Making Lymeade

Posted on March 7, 2013 by

Chronic illness presents challenges but also gifts of insight to a long-time communitarian.

Affordability: What It’s Good For

Posted on March 7, 2013 by

At Acorn, as in the larger world, the most important thing to be able to afford may be giving something away.

Creating a Community of Homesteaders

Posted on March 7, 2013 by

A land trust with leaseholds keeps members’ costs down while allowing a combination of autonomy and connection.

Lessons from a Childhood in Maine

Posted on March 7, 2013 by

In rural Maine in the ’70s, community was everyday reality, and everyone needed help sometimes.

Affordability: Angst and Angels

Posted on March 7, 2013 by

Kara Huntermoon of Heart-Culture Farm shares her community’s affordability strategies.

Self-Reliance, Right Livelihood, and Economic “Realities”

Posted on March 7, 2013 by

Life in a small rural ecovillage can mean embracing complex choices while balancing idealism with necessity.

Within Reach is Ready!

Posted on March 6, 2013 by

It’s Ready for the World! The One-of-a-kind Film that Redefines Community. http://p0.vresp.com/8DVBNK #withinreachmovie

Michel Desgagnes

Posted on January 29, 2013 by

So sad to learn today of the death of Michel Desgagnes. We crossed paths many time with Michel, and always, he was kind, intelligent and cared deeply about this movement.… Read More

Intentional Community

Posted on January 22, 2013 by

What is an Intentional Community? Intentional Community is the radical notion that how we live ought to be based on our values. Strange that this is “radical” but the truth… Read More

Cycling toward Sustainable Community

Posted on December 7, 2012 by
1 Comment

After 6,500 miles of pedaling and 100 community visits, a couple documents the promise of intentional community and cooperative living.

New Beginnings at Oakleigh Meadow Cohousing

Posted on December 7, 2012 by

A forming cohousing group experiences its share of bumps, but comes together to move forward.

Greening Your ’Hood

Posted on December 7, 2012 by

Kibbutzes, ecovillages, cohousing communities, and pocket neighborhoods offer us opportunities to make a new start.

Journeying on the Ark

Posted on December 7, 2012 by

Questioning her community’s philosophy and practices, a live-in caregiver ends her involvement there in order to focus on greater self-expression and self-care.

Community for a Minute

Posted on December 7, 2012 by
1 Comment

Children in outdoor programs face—and often overcome—three major obstacles to learning and growth.

Gratitude, Loss, Rebirth, and Community

Posted on December 7, 2012 by

Endings and beginnings grow from one another and make personal and group renewal possible.

The Bookends of Community

Posted on December 7, 2012 by

Marking endings and beginnings with ritual can add intentionality, understanding, and connection to our lives.

Crossing over the Threshold

Posted on December 7, 2012 by
1 Comment

An older generation learns to let go as a younger generation steps forward.

The Hermitage Now and To Come

Posted on December 7, 2012 by

Two community founders recognize that it’s time to hand over the reins and move on.

My Advice to Others Planning to Start an Ecovillage

Posted on September 7, 2012 by

An ecovillage founder offers 10 guidelines for success, including “Start with people.”

Vision and Reality in Ecotopia

Posted on September 7, 2012 by

Innovative ecovillagers turn challenges into opportunities.

Living the Questions

Posted on September 7, 2012 by

Belfast Cohousing & Ecovillage grapples with obstacles to create a visionary housing project in rural Maine.

Dandelion Village

Posted on September 7, 2012 by

Aspiring communitarians rally support and navigate the legal hoops to establish an ecovillage in Bloomington, Indiana.

Coming of Age

Posted on September 7, 2012 by
1 Comment

In Ithaca, New York, a pioneering project continues to break new ground in ecological design, education, and community.