Interview with Crystal Farmer, author of “The Token: Common Sense Ideas for Increasing Diversity in Your Organization”

Join us for an interview including live audience Q&A! FIC Co-Director, Cynthia Tina, will meet with FIC Board Member, Crystal Farmer, for an hour-long session to learn about her new book - The Token, Common Sense Ideas for Increasing Diversity in Your Organization. This is sure to be an advice-packed, timely and intimate conversation. You don't want to miss it!

Free – $25

Info Session — Starting an Intentional Community

This will be a virtual information session about FIC's upcoming online course, Starting an Intentional Community, which begins on February 4, 2021. We'll sit down with course instructor and community maestro, Yana Ludwig, to find out what the course is all about. You'll be able to ask questions directly and learn if the course is a good fit for you.

Free – $25

Webinar — Co-Buying Property with Friends

Are you interested in starting an intentional community but don't know how to buy property as a group? Learn all about co-buying with buddies! From the challenging beginning through to the rewarding end, Phil Levin will walk you through learning to love the process of co-buying with friends.

$10 – $45

Workshop — Bring Your Authentic Self to Community

Take a dive into your inner worlds and come out feeling more confident in your capacity for authentic self-expression while living in community. The more authentic and connected we are to ourselves and one another, the more creative, cohesive, and resilient a community will become. Join us and conscious relating coach, Teri Grunthaner, for a highly interactive workshop on creating authenticity in community.

$10 – $45

Community Connect — an online networking event!

Community Connect is a fun and informative virtual coffee hour for people who love intentional community. Imagine a sweet gathering in the common house, but online and with communitarians across the world. There will be opportunities for you to share about your project, community-themed games and networking activities.

Free – $25

Info Session – Find Community Online Course

This will be a virtual information session about FIC’s upcoming 5-week online course, Find Community: How to Join and Live in an Intentional Community, starting on March 11, 2021. We’ll sit down with instructor Cynthia Tina to learn all about the course. Come find out if the course is a good fit for you!

Free – $25

Info Session — The Art of Facilitation for Cooperative Groups

This will be a virtual information session about FIC’s upcoming 5-week online course, The Art of Facilitation for Cooperative Groups , starting on March 11, 2021. We’ll sit down with course instructor, Laird Schuab, to find out what the course is all about. You’ll be able to ask questions directly and learn if the course is a good fit for you.

Free – $25

Workshop — Exploring Power & Privilege with Courage, Creativity, and Compassion

As individuals and groups, we experience varying and multiple levels of privilege and power. Recognizing our relationship to oppression can bring feelings of guilt, shame, and grief. How can we hold space for these feelings while also creating conditions for new insights to emerge to deepen our understanding of each other and ourselves?

Free – $25

Panel — Finding Community: Seekers Turned Residents Share Their Stories

Join us as residents of intentional communities share their unique stories of searching for, visiting and ultimately joining their communities. You'll learn more about the journey of finding and joining an intentional community during presentations and panel discussion followed by Q&A.

Free – $25

Workshop — Facilitation in Covid Times: Beyond Boxes on a Screen

Covid-19 has changed the way people get together. At a time when we can no longer gather in one big room with our whole community, groups are finding new ways of making collaborative decisions. In this insightful and interactive workshop, we will explore several of these options, focusing on a solution many groups favor: online meetings.

$10 – $45

Community Connect — an online networking event!

Community Connect is a fun and informative virtual coffee hour for people who love intentional community. Imagine a sweet gathering in the common house, but online and with communitarians across the world. There will be opportunities for you to share about your project, community-themed games and networking activities.

Free – $25

Workshop — Nonviolent Communication: A Tool for Connection, Understanding, Responsibility and Care

Nonviolent Communication (NVC) is a popular communication framework that is mainly known for its emphasis on feelings and needs language and a simple formula for communicating clearly. It's a powerful model that helps us hold our judgments lightly, get curious about and honor your needs and mine, and stay committed to both personal responsibility and collective care.

$10 – $45

Workshop — Joining an IC: Resolving Hidden Obstacles to Help You Make the Leap

You've been dreaming of moving to an intentional community. So...what's stopping you? Why haven't you made the leap yet?
During this workshop, you'll get a chance to explore what's stopping you - no what's REALLY stopping you - from taking the leap and moving to the community you've been dreaming about.

Virtual Tour of Intentional Communities — Panel Event

Curious to learn more about about intentional communities? Take a tour of communities around the world without leaving your armchair! Each month we bring together a variety of new and established intentional communities — ecovillages, cohousing, shared homes, coliving spaces and more — to present about about their community in an interactive setting.

Free – $25

Legal Basics for Forming Communities — Course Info Session

Learn all about the upcoming 5-week online course Legal Basics for Forming Communities, starting on April 22nd. Clifford Paulin Esq. has been advising communities on legal aspects of community living for 15 years. Don't let your intentional community fail because of legal barriers. This online course will show you how.

Free – $25

Working Constructively with Conflict in Community — Course Info Session

Learn all about the upcoming 5-week online course Working Constructively with Conflict in Community, starting on April 22nd. Laird Schaub will cover what conflict represents, why work on it in the dynamic moment, why work on it as a group, how to work with it, why work on it unilaterally, and the options people have when they’re in reaction.

Free – $25

Consensus Basics for Intentional Community Builders — Workshop

Join Yana Ludwig for a two-hour virtual workshop to learn the basics of consensus decision-making. Useful for anyone wanting to have better decision-making, regardless of your group's official decision-making processes. Intentional community residents or those wanting to start/join a community are strongly encouraged to join this session!

$10 – $45

The Role of Professionals in Collaborative Development — Webinar

Join Katie McCamant, cofounder of the North American cohousing movement, and one of the most experienced and accomplished professionals in the field for this one-hour webinar to explore the role of various professionals in the world of collaborative development, the importance of expanding the professional world, and how people can begin working in the field.

Free – $25

Creating an Affordable Cohousing Community — Course Info Session

Learn all about the upcoming 5-week online course Creating an Affordable Cohousing Community, starting on April 22nd. Charles Durrett will impart his decades of experience so that you can finance and maintain the affordability of your dream residential community.

Free – $25

Interview with Robin Allison, Author of Cohousing for Life

In Cohousing for Life, Robin Allison describes her journey from lonely mother-of-two in the suburbs to a determined driver of the development of New Zealand's first cohousing community. Join us for an interview with Robin including live audience Q&A!

Free – $25

Community Connect — an online networking event!

Community Connect is a fun and informative virtual coffee hour for people who love intentional community. Imagine a sweet gathering in the common house, but online and with communitarians across the world. There will be opportunities for you to share about your project, community-themed games and networking activities.

Free – $25

A Compassionate Approach to Conflict [Workshop]

Join Jenna Card for a two-hour virtual workshop to learn how to work through conflict using Nonviolent Communication. We'll be developing skills to gracefully and powerfully navigate challenging situations, which is essential for one's well-being, healthy relationships and healthy communities.

$10 – $45

Intro to Community Land Trusts with School of Living [Webinar]

The purpose of the Community Land Trust (CLT) is to provide secure access to land for current generations and protect the land for future generations. Join a one-hour webinar to learn about the nuts and bolts of School of Living's Community Land Trust model and why Community Land Trusts may be the best land-holding option for intentional communities.

Free – $25

Analyzing and Shifting the Power Dynamics in Your Community [Workshop]

Join Cecile Green and Rebecca Fisher-McGinty of Round Sky Solutions to dive into the ways that power dynamics show up in our communities. During this two hour workshop you'll learn some simple, yet powerful tools and frameworks for making incremental change in your community as well as strengthening your democratic decision-making and communication processes.

$10 – $45

Learning from Conflict with Restorative Systems [Workshop]

When conflict blossoms nearby, it often looks more like a bomb than a bloom. But with enough support we can get close enough to take the danger out of conflict, and even to see its hidden potential to bring about what we want most. Join us for a 2-hour workshop to find out how to design a system that will support dialogue in your group, especially when tensions are high.

$10 – $45

Building Diverse and Inclusive Communities [Course Info Session]

Learn all about the upcoming 5-week online course Building Diverse and Inclusive Communities, starting on June 2nd. Instructor Crystal Farmer will answer your questions about this course and help you determine whether or not it is a good fit for you. Hope to see you there!

Free – $25

Want to dive deeper into how to join, start or grow an intentional community?
Join us for an upcoming course!

See All Courses