Community Connect — an online networking event!

Community Connect is a fun and informative virtual coffee hour for people who love intentional community. Imagine a sweet gathering in the common house, but online and with communitarians across the world. There will be opportunities for you to share about your project, community-themed games and networking activities.

Free – $25

Virtual Tour of Intentional Communities [Panel]

Each month we bring together a variety of new and established intentional communities — ecovillages, cohousing, shared homes, coliving spaces and more — to present about about their community in an interactive setting. You'll experience photos, videos, captivating stories, and insightful dialogue among the presenting communitarians. Come travel to communities around the world without leaving your armchair!

Free – $25

Re-Imagining Community with Regenerative Real Estate [Webinar]

As more people are seeking ways to live more intentionally, mindfully and in community, it is critical to understand community is a spectrum. Tune into this presentation on how you can create, join, collaborate, and finance different versions of intentional communities no matter where you live.

Free – $25

Sharing Power: Designing for Radical Cooperation [Workshop]

Many groups and communities suffer or even fall apart because of power struggles. If you want your group to succeed, it’s essential to take a clear-eyed look at how power is shared and used. Join us to examine how to design a group that deeply supports everyone to make changes that improve life.

$10 – $45

Deepening Circle Work: Creating Calm in the Middle of Chaos [Workshop]

What would it be like if you could have conversations in your community that are inclusive and open minded, even when people are in disagreement or conflict? Join us for this experiential workshop where we'll delve deeper into the art of hosting safe spaces, using a systemic view.

$10 – $45

Community Land Co-Ops: Owning our future in community [Workshop]

Housing justice is social justice, but most of us feel powerless to escape the system, much less change it. Join us for this inspirational 2-hour workshop to explore Community Land Co-ops (CLCs) and ways to take part in a more cooperative and equitable future for community land..

$10 – $45

Legal & Social Agreements with Lost Valley [Webinar]

Legal and social agreements are key to flourishing communities. Join Lost Valley Education Center for this informative webinar on community living agreements, waivers, leases, insurance protections, application processes and more.

$10 – $45

Introduction to the Enneagram in Community [Workshop]

Start the journey of unlocking your own internal mysteries and experiencing greater liberation from the fixations of our personalities in this introduction to the Enneagram. Join longtime communitarian Lee Warren for a 90-minute introductory overview of the Enneagram and how it applies to life in community.

Free – $25

Intro to Intentional Communities around the Globe [Webinar]

Are you thinking about joining an intentional community and want to get your search underway? You’ve come to the right place! This 60-min webinar will cover all the basics about intentional communities — where they are, why they matter, and how to find one that's a good fit for you. Get your questions answered and leave with practical tips.

Free – $25

Virtual Tour of Intentional Communities [Panel]

Each month we bring together a variety of new and established intentional communities — ecovillages, cohousing, shared homes, coliving spaces and more — to present about about their community in an interactive setting. You'll experience photos, videos, captivating stories, and insightful dialogue among the presenting communitarians. Come travel to communities around the world without leaving your armchair!

Free – $25

Community Connect — an online networking event!

Community Connect is a fun and informative virtual coffee hour for people who love intentional community. Imagine a sweet gathering in the common house, but online and with communitarians across the world. There will be opportunities for you to share about your project, community-themed games and networking activities.

Free – $25

Safety, Sexuality, and Navigating Violations in Community [Workshop]

Join us for this 2-hour workshop to explore common misconceptions around sexual assault that are particularly impactful for intentional communities and learn communication tools to support people in being assertive, courageous, and vulnerable.

$10 – $45

Introduction to Ecovillages with the Global Ecovillage Network [Webinar]

How are ecovillages contributing to co-create a regenerative culture? Join us for this 90-minute interactive webinar for an overview of the history, principles, practices and methodologies of ecovillages worldwide, with an emphasis on the transformative potential of the ecovillage approach.

Free – $25

Alternative Housing Models for Aging in Community [Webinar]

Join us with national expert on aging in community, Marianne Kilkenny, for this 1.5 hour webinar to start exploring your possible life options for the years ahead. We'll learn about the many housing choices that are currently available for aging in place as well as explore living models beyond what currently exists.

Free – $25

Community Connect — an online networking event!

Community Connect is a fun and informative virtual coffee hour for people who love intentional community. Imagine a sweet gathering in the common house, but online and with communitarians across the world. There will be opportunities for you to share about your project, community-themed games and networking activities.

Free – $25

Virtual Tour of Intentional Communities

Each month we bring together a variety of new and established intentional communities — ecovillages, cohousing, shared homes, coliving spaces and more — to present about about their community in an interactive setting. You'll experience photos, videos, captivating stories, and insightful dialogue among the presenting communitarians. Come travel to communities around the world without leaving your armchair!

Free – $25

Introduction to Cohousing with CohoUS [Webinar]

Cohousing is like a an old fashioned neighborhood. Join us for this 1.5 hour webinar to learn what it is, the different types of cohousing, and how to find the right cohousing community for you.

Free – $25

Common Legal Issues in Community [Webinar]

Strong and responsive legal agreements within communities are key to both their long term success and maintaining healthy relationships between community members. Join us for this bird's eye view of legal topics to consider when starting, maintaining or reforming a community.

Free – $25

Jumpstart Your Cohousing Community [Webinar]

Are you interested in starting your own cohousing community? Join us for a 1-hour overview of the social and physical benefits of cohousing.

Free – $25

Intro to Sociocracy — a Dynamic Governance Model for Communities [Workshop]

Sociocracy has a strong focus on equality and effectiveness, and is used worldwide in a variety of organizations, particularly intentional communities. Join us for an interactive workshop on the basic concepts of sociocracy including how we make decisions, how we empower and connect teams, and how we can improve continuously over time.

$10 – $45

White Supremacy Culture: Creating Inclusive Communities [Webinar]

We can create more cooperative and just communities by raising our awareness of toxic characteristics and consciously pivoting to a more inclusive culture. Join Crystal Farmer for a 1-hour interactive webinar on how white supremacy culture shows up in intentional communities.

Free – $25

Intro to Intentional Communities around the Globe [Webinar]

Are you thinking about joining an intentional community and want to get your search underway? You’ve come to the right place! This 90-min webinar will cover all the basics about intentional communities — where they are, why they matter, and how to find one that's a good fit for you. Get your questions answered and leave with practical tips.

Free – $25

Designing Communities for Inclusivity [2-part Training]

Are you a community leader or committee member interested in helping your community do The Work for diversity and inclusion? Join this two-part intensive training for strategies to help your community recruit people of different backgrounds, write inclusive policies, and respond to challenging situations related to diversity.

$20 – $65

Virtual Tour of Intentional Communities

Each month we bring together a variety of new and established intentional communities — ecovillages, cohousing, shared homes, coliving spaces and more — to present about about their community in an interactive setting. You'll experience photos, videos, captivating stories, and insightful dialogue among the presenting communitarians. Come travel to communities around the world without leaving your armchair!

Free – $25

Community Connect — an online networking event!

Community Connect is a fun and informative virtual coffee hour for people who love intentional community. Imagine a sweet gathering in the common house, but online and with communitarians across the world. There will be opportunities for you to share about your project, community-themed games and networking activities.

Free – $25

Recognizing and Reducing Implicit Bias [Webinar]

Our brains are wired for survival, and we are wired to fear our differences. Join "The Diversity Doctor" Stacie Walton MD for an overview of the neuroscience of bias and practical ways that you can recognize and reduce your unconscious bias.

Free – $25

Want to dive deeper into how to join, start or grow an intentional community?
Join us for an upcoming course!

See All Courses