Easy Steps Toward Aging Well in Community

2022 is history, and now you're another year older and wiser! We invite you to embrace the momentum of the new year by starting your personal plan for aging well in community. 
Join author and instructor Margaret Critchlow to learn the easy steps you can take now, towards aging well in community.

Virtual Tour of Intentional Communities January

Thinking about joining an intentional community? Curious to learn about communities from them directly? Want to peek inside community living and get your questions answered? The Virtual Tour of Intentional Communities is the event experience for you!

Understanding How Consensus Works in Communities

Consensus offers excellent prospects, if done well, for developing group depth and cohesion—the very thing most crave when building community. 
Join consensus expert Laird Schaub for a brief webinar on how consensus can work within your community to build connection.

Filling Leadership Roles in your Community

Power and leadership are tender yet potent topics when it comes to community dynamics, and often times communities don't plan well for filling leadership roles. Join Laird Schaub for an introductory webinar on what you should consider when filling leadership roles in your community.

7 Membership Questions Communities Should Address

Avoid the price of ambiguity down the line. Join long-time communitarian Laird Schaub to get clear on the membership questions you should be addressing in your community.


Virtual Tour of Intentional Communities March

Thinking about joining an intentional community? Curious to learn about communities from them directly? Want to peek inside community living and get your questions answered? The Virtual Tour of Intentional Communities is the event experience for you!

Examining Intentional Community Living for Seniors

Being a senior is a different phase of life than just being a middle-aged adult with less capacity, and you’ll need to be aware of the needs and potentials in order to make the most of them. Join us for this 1-hour webinar to gain a greater understanding how intentional community can support seniors as they age, as well as get a taste for our upcoming 5-week course, Aging Gracefully in Community.

Participation in Community: Understanding Tensions and Resolutions

Most communities encounter bumps in the road when it comes to non-monetary member contributions to the maintenance and well-being of the group. Join us for this introductory 1-hour webinar, to gain an understanding of healthy group dynamics around shared work in community, as well as get a taste for our upcoming 5-week course, Work & Participation in Community.

Spring Equinox Sing-along

Song is a precious way to see and praise the change of seasons. Come share the power of community singing to slow us down, to bring beauty, to regulate our nervous systems, and to honor the Equinox.

Community Connect for Newcomers

Want to learn more about intentional communities? Whether you are brand new or have been following the movement, we have resources for you! Join us for a general orientation where you’ll get to meet other interested in community as well as get your burning questions answered.

Virtual Tour of Intentional Communities April

Thinking about joining an intentional community? Curious to learn about communities from them directly? Want to peek inside community living and get your questions answered? The Virtual Tour of Intentional Communities is the event experience for you!

Community Connect for Starters

Are you ready to co-create a new intentional community? Whether you are just getting started or are already part of a group that’s deep in conversation, you’re not alone! Join us for a facilitated session where you’ll get to meet other aspiring founders, share stories, talk shop, and leave with new ideas, inspiration, and allies in your journey.

Common Legal Issues in Community and How to Avoid Them

Strong and responsive legal agreements within communities are key to both their long-term success and maintaining healthy relationships between community members. In this webinar, you’ll learn about some of the most common legal issues that communities face and how to prepare for them.

Community Connect for Seekers

Thinking about joining an intentional community? Come learn about the options out there, the process for joining, and how to find the community that’s right for you. Get your questions answered, learn from the stories of others, and participate in exercises to deepen into your community journey.

Managing the Moment When Conflict First Emerges

When conflict arises, it's often unclear how to best tackle it or where to even begin. Join facilitation expert Laird Schaub for an introduction on how to work with conflict for the well-being of your community.

Find & Finance Your Community Dream Property

Many groups are ready to build their dream home, but have concerns about finances. Capital is needed for the down payment, monthly mortgage, taxes, insurance payments, and initial development costs. Join licensed realtor and community co-founder, Jonah Mesritz, to learn how to successfully find and finance your community dream property.

Community Connect for Residents

Living in community can be heartwarming, heartbreaking, wonderfully fulfilling, and incredibly challenging - all at the same time. It is a priceless, unique experience that can only be understood by living it. During these sessions we'll support and learn from each other.

Reclaiming Death & Dying in Community

Contemplating death, ours and others, is a deeply empowering practice that allows us to live more fully in the present and gives us access to an immense gratitude for the miracle of our own existence. Join seasoned and end-of-life educator Lee Warren for a 2-part exploration of end of life literacy, death positivity, and the conscious dying movement.

Virtual Tour of Intentional Communities May

Thinking about joining an intentional community? Curious to learn about communities from them directly? Want to peek inside community living and get your questions answered? The Virtual Tour of Intentional Communities is the event experience for you!

Transformative Justice and Harm in Community

Transformative Justice (TJ) is both a philosophy of care and collective liberation, as well as a collection of practices exploring how we respond to violence and harm within ourselves and our communities. During these 90 minutes we will dive into concepts like accountability and how we can practice on a small scale daily, how to plan for safety and care, and informed consent.

An Introduction to Raising Children in Community

Join us for a 1-hour panel discussion with the course instructors for Raising Children in Community. In this discussion, you'll learn about the expertise and experiences of parents Amy Saloner, Jessica Plancich Shinners, and Janne Campbell have with raising children community. 

Easy Steps Toward Aging Well in Community

2022 is history, and now you're another year older and wiser! We invite you to embrace the momentum of the new year by starting your personal plan for aging well in community. Join author and instructor Margaret Critchlow to learn the easy steps you can take now, towards aging well in community.

Building Belonging: A Conversation with author Yana Ludwig

Building Belonging, by Yana Ludwig, is a practical guide for how to start a residential intentional community from the framework of addressing the racial, social, ecological and economic disparities affecting all aspects of our lived experience. Join us for a conversation with Yana about her new book, Building Belonging: Your Guide to Starting a Residential Intentional Community.

Virtual Tour of Intentional Communities June

Thinking about joining an intentional community? Curious to learn about communities from them directly? Want to peek inside community living and get your questions answered? The Virtual Tour of Intentional Communities is the event experience for you!

Designing Equitable and Accountable Communities

Community accountability is about translating values into practice, practicing generative conflict, preventing and responding to harm without centering liability or the state, and responding to patterns of harm and conflict through emergent and adaptive organizational strategy. Join Spring Up’s Leander and Stas Phoenix for an interactive workshop on how you can design equitable and accountable community.

Summer Solstice Celebration and Ceremony

Rituals are an important way to honor the seasons and cycles of our lives and that of the natural world of which we are a part. Join ritualist and facilitator Lizzie Salsich for community connection at the summer solstice celebration and ceremony.

Regenerative Economics for Intentional Communities and Beyond

Regenerative Economics moves us from extractive and exploitative ways of living, working, and meeting our needs to ways that are more just, equitable, and healthy for both people and the planet. Join renegade economist Della Duncan for an introductory workshop on Regenerative Economics for your intentional community and beyond.

Want to dive deeper into how to join, start or grow an intentional community?
Join us for an upcoming course!

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