Villa Primavera Community

Asunción, Asunción, Paraguay

  • Updated on: Dec 22, 2023 (about 1 year ago)
  • Created on: Oct 15, 2019 (over 5 years ago)
Villa Primavera Community

Mission Statement

Love your neighbor. Share everything. We believe that another way of life is possible.

Community Description

Villa Primavera is a Bruderhof community house located in the capital city of Paraguay, Asunción. Founded in 2010, Villa Primavera is home to about fifteen people. As part of our mission here, we recently built Casa de Cristo, a church building with a large meeting room. Situated on one corner of our property, the church is open to the public for Sunday worship services and other events.</p>

<p>We are convinced that a life in church community is the greatest service we can offer humanity and the best way we can proclaim Christ. To be part of the Bruderhof movement is not a lifestyle choice. It is an answer to Jesus’ insistent call to humankind as expressed in the Gospels, especially the Sermon on the Mount. While we follow the communal traditions of the early church, we believe our way of life is a compelling answer to the problems of contemporary society, with its emphasis on wealth and self and its resulting isolation, conflict, and inequality.</p>

<p>Through community, we have experienced Christ’s transforming love. He makes the impossible possible: for ordinary and flawed men and women to live together in forgiveness and mutual trust, as brothers and sisters. It is his Spirit that calls Bruderhof members to a life of love where work, worship, mission, education, and family life are brought together into a single whole.


  • Type(s):
    • Commune (organized around sharing almost everything)
    • Spiritual or Religious
  • Location: Urban



    • Adult Members: 15
    • Visitors Accepted: Yes
    • Open to New Members: Yes


    • Decision Making: Consensus (everyone agrees)
    • Identified Leader: Yes


    • Dues, Fees, or Shared Expenses: No
    • Shared Income: All or Close to All

    Sustainability Practices


      • Common Spiritual Practice(s): Christian

      Photo Gallery

      Video Gallery

      Community Network or Organization Affiliations

      Bruderhof Communities

      Fair Housing Laws

      This community acknowledges that their listing does not include any potential violations of the Fair Housing Law, or that they do not provide housing. For any questions about this topic please see our Content Policies and contact FIC with any questions or concerns:


      South American Bruderhof