Avalon Cooperative House
Madison, Wisconsin, United States
- Updated on: Mar 7, 2023 (about 2 years ago)
- Created on: Sep 28, 2006 (over 18 years ago)
Mission Statement
Housing Cooperative
Community Description
<div> Avalon Co-op is an eight-room house intent on creating a safe, sane, and supportive environment as part of the Madison Community Cooperative organization and within the city of Madison as a whole. We are a community that welcomes people of all ages, sexes, colors, sexual orientations and economic backgrounds. Key to our evolution as a healthy and united household is the development and practice of constructive, direct communication, consensus decision-making, and the incorporation of feminist ideals into our everyday lives. We are a community of eight people and three cats. Some of us work and some go to school. Our house is centrally located in a quiet and diverse neighborhood two blocks from James Madison Park and four blocks from the capitol. We take turns making great vegetarian meals and working in our garden. We welcome open-minded people who are interested in enriching our community and environment. </div>
- Status: Established (4+ adults, 2+ years)
- Started Planning: 1968
- Started Living Together: 1972
- Visitors Accepted: Yes
- Open to New Members: Yes
- Please read the details in Membership below before contacting this community.Send Message
- Website: https://www.madisoncommunity.coop/property/avalon
- Contact Name: Membership Coordinator
- Phone: 608-251-2667
- Community Address:20 N Franklin St.
Madison, Wisconsin 53703
United States Location
- Type(s):
- Shared Housing, Cohouseholding, or Coliving (multiple individuals sharing a dwelling)
- Student Housing or Student Co-Op
- Location: Urban
- Status: We have land we have developed on
- Area: 0 acres
- Current Number of Residences: 8
- Housing Provided: Rental
- Land Owned By: Other
- Additional Comments: Madison Community Cooperative MCC has 11 houses
- Adult Members: 8
- Non-Member Residents: 0
- Percent Women: 50%
- Percent Men: 50%
- Visitors Accepted: Yes
- Visitor Process: please email us at avalon.cooperative.house@gmail.com
- Open to New Members: Yes
- Decision Making: Consensus + (everyone agrees, except for up to 3 people.)
- Identified Leader: No
- Leadership Core Group: No
- Join Fee($): 45
- Dues, Fees, or Shared Expenses: Yes
- Shared Income: None
- Required Weekly Labor Contribution: 5
Sustainability Practices
- Energy Infrastructure: We are connected to the grid.
- Common Facilities: Internet
- Shared Meals: 2-5 times per week
Community Network or Organization Affiliations
Madison Community Cooperatives, North American Students of Cooperatives
Community Affiliations
International Cooperative House (ICH), Ambrosia Cooperative House, Audre Lorde Cooperative House, Friends' Cooperative House, Hypatia Cooperative House, Lothlórien Cooperative House, Ofek Shalom Cooperative House, Syntropy Cooperative House, Sofia Cooperative House, The Phoenix Cooperative House, Madison Community Cooperative (MCC)
Fair Housing Laws
This community acknowledges that their listing does not include any potential violations of the Fair Housing Law, or that they do not provide housing. For any questions about this topic please see our Content Policies and contact FIC with any questions or concerns: directory@ic.org.