Seeking members for your community or looking for one to join? Want to buy, sell or rent a home in a community? Promote your professional services to hundreds of potential clients? Market your event to a larger audience?
Get access to the 40,000 unique visitors and 300,000 pageviews to our website each month. Discover a cost-effective way to connect and build community as a to help community seeker, buyer, seller, entrepreneur or professional.
Learn about banner and classified ad options below.
Please contact us if you have a question or need support.
Classified Ads
Regular | This is a great low cost way to reach your audience.
1 Month – $24
3 Months – $48
12 Months – $150
Featured | Your ad will be highlighted at the top of the listing, displayed in the sidebar on nearly every page of ic.org and be visible on our home page for a few days. That means ten times (10x) the pageviews!
1 Month – $60
3 Months – $150
12 Months – $480
Banner Ads
This is the best way to get reach on our website!
These image-based ads appear in the right hand side bar of most of our web pages. They receive over 300,000 pageviews and 100-300 clicks each month.
“Our ad was amazingly successful! I was both startled and pleased. I had to scramble to keep up with the response! I definitely recommend advertising with the FIC.”
— Karen Savage Taylor, Earthaven Ecovillage