Network Membership

$100.00 / year

Network Membership is $100/year + $10 per community within your network. Rates will rise for new members in 2025. Lock in these rates by joining in 2024! Membership auto-renews yearly.

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Enroll Your Network in FIC Membership

By becoming a Network Member of FIC, you and your constituents are able to experience greater connection and engagement with the broader movement.  Additionally, you receive discounted services available through (including 50% off Community Membership fees for communities within your network!).

Network Member Benefits:

  • Directory Listing/Profile: Share information about your network with over 40,000 unique visitors to our directory each month along with contact information for Community Seekers. If you are new, create your directory listing here
  • Badge in Directory/Map: Publicly display your Membership status on your directory listing so visitors can easily recognize your engagement with the movement.
  • 10% Affiliate Links: Earn 10% of every book, course, and event sales made using your referral link. Higher commissions may be created in special circumstances. Learn more
  • 50% off Community Memberships: Any community within your network can become a Member Community and pay 50% less than a standard individual membership. 
  • Access to Member Community Groups/Events: Access exclusive, membership-only virtual events and forums to explore topics such as bioregional networking, common challenges, exchange programs, cross promotion and more.
  • 20% off classified and banner ads: Promote your events, services, and community accommodations to over 40,000 visitors each month at a 20% discount.
  • Use of Logo and Brand Kit: Access and permission to use the high quality FIC Member Community logo on your community’s website.
  • Unique User Profile: Use a unique log-in to manage your community listings, ads, and affiliate links as well as to engage with others as your network rather than as an individual.

Plus the following benefits for communities that want to engage further:

  • IC Council Representation: Participate in the activities and governance of the IC Council and optional subgroups (e.g. bioregional networks, working groups, GENNA Council).
  • Participate in exclusive Member Forums: Access exclusive forums, groups and events to explore possible collaborations and topics of mutual interest.
  • Receive a ticket to IC Council Annual Meeting: Enjoy free registration for 1 delegate to the IC Council’s Annual Meeting.
  • Gaia Excellence Award Candidate: Be eligible for GEN’s €3,000 Gaia Excellence Award for inspiring projects.
  • Collaboration on funding/projects that could include:
    • Exchange programs for youth, experts, community seekers, etc.
    • Decentralized research on appropriate technologies, food systems, etc.
    • Cross-promotion of programs, gatherings, and other opportunities.
    • Education programs, trainings, and consultancies.
    • Bioregional networks and educational centers.
    • A “Community-Made” online store, promoting intentional community products and services.
    • Joint funding requests for any of the above and more.