Best of Communities

The Fellowship for Intentional Community is pleased to offer you the cream of our crop—the very best articles that have appeared over the last 20 years in our flagship publications: Communities magazine and Communities Directory. Best of Communities Bundle We’ve distilled what we consider the most insightful and helpful articles on the topics that you—our readers—have told us you care about most, and have organized them into 15 scintillating collections: I. Intentional Community Overview, and Starting a Community II. Seeking and Visiting a Community III. Leadership, Power, and Membership IV. Good Meetings V. Consensus VI. Agreements, Conflict, and Communication VII. Relationships, Intimacy, Health, and Well-Being VIII. Children in Community IX. Community for Elders X. Sustainable Food, Energy, and Transportation XI. Green Building, Ecovillage Design, and Land Preservation XII. Cohousing XIII. Cooperative Economics and Creating Community Where You Are XIV. Challenges and Lessons of Community XV. The Peripatetic Communitarian: The Best of Geoph Kozeny On average, each collection is comprised of 15–20 articles, containing a total of 55–65 pages. All are now available as both downloadable PDFs and print books. Buy one, buy several, or buy the whole set! While there’s a smattering of classic pieces that date back to the ’90s, the vast majority of these offerings have been written in the past dozen years, representing cutting-edge thinking and how- to explorations of the social, ecological, and economic aspects of sustainable living. We’ve gathered insights about what you can expect when raising children in community, and offer a wealth of information about what it’s like to grow old there, too. For dessert, we have the collected wisdom of over 50 essays from Geoph Kozeny (1949–2007), the Peripatetic Communitarian. If you’re hungry for information about cooperative living, we have a menu that will satisfy any appetite! If you’re thinking about starting a community, this collection offers an incredible storehouse of practical advice. If you’re thinking of joining a community, our packets will help you discern the right things to look for, and how to be a savvy shopper. If you’re just curious about community and want to snack, our smörgåsbord of tasty nuggets will let you pick and choose what’s most appealing.