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Please note:  We now require at least 1 image with each ad.  

Magazine Ads: Magazine ads are currently unavailable as we have need to “pause” magazine production as we reorganize the foundation. Online Ads: Regular Online Classified Ads reach about 30,000 pageviews per month and rotate throughout the listing category. To have your ad highlighted at the top of the listing and to display it in the sidebar on nearly every page of the website including the online directory, select for a  Featured Online Classified Ad  and gain, on average, ten times (10x) the pageviews!! Online Banner Ads You can reach over 300,000 pageviews and receive 100-300 clicks each month with these image based, Online Banner Ads. Ad Packages:  Our Ad Manager is available to design a Custom Ad Package to match your target audience and budget. This can include Social Media, Events Listings and/or Items from our Bookstore.  Ad Manager  Contact: or 415-991-0541