Communes and Cohousing on Huffington Post and Good Magazine

Posted on January 17, 2008 by

An article posted on the Huffington Post, a progressive news and blog aggregator, suggests communes and cohousing as an option for the current generation’s economic and social woes. Looking closer it seems this article comes from Good Magazine.

If it sounds as if I’m calling for a return of the commune, that’s because I am–or at least for some alternative to the arid emotional deserts that are our oversized, empty homes. Imagine friends and families living around a courtyard, occasionally sharing meals and keeping an eye on the kids. Cohousing–a movement that’s taken off among boomer retirees–aims to do just that. It should go without saying that this way of life has massive environmental benefits. But the case is strong enough if we stick to the question of our cultural and emotional environment.

There are good comments on the article at both sites so its worth checking them both out.

Read the article at Good Magazine.

Read the article at Huffington Post.

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