Finding Community

More Perspectives on Leadership and Followship

Posted on September 7, 2010 by
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The author identifies additional leadership skills, cautions against blind followship, and reflects on the many types of power in cooperative groups.

Being “Overthrown”—A Celebration

Posted on September 7, 2010 by

The founder of Enright Ridge Urban Ecovillage describes what it’s like to be criticized, marginalized, stripped of leadership responsibilities, and given the opportunity to explore a new role.

Seeing the Good in the World

Posted on June 7, 2010 by

After several years teaching about community in the abstract, an anthropologist and environmental studies teacher finds that direct student engagement with intentional communities provides the spark needed for personal inspiration, connection, and the potential for social transformation.

Second Family

Posted on March 7, 2010 by

A mother responds to empty-nest syndrome by discovering her new family in community.

Together and Apart; Eden Within Eden

Posted on March 7, 2010 by

Reviews of two great books on community living, one on life in a convent with surprising insights even for the most secular, and one on the history of utopian experiments in Oregon.

From Visions of Utopia to “The Many Faces of Community”

Posted on March 7, 2010 by

Geoph Kozeny’s community documentary brings forth reflections on Hearthaven, discussions among neighbors and friends, and ultimately a new intergenerational family community.

Garden as Therapist and Community Organizer

Posted on December 7, 2009 by

Neither the therapist diagnosing Major Depression nor the psychiatrist prescribing an antidepressant asked the fundamental question: Do you like to garden? When the author discovers this doorway into the natural world, he also finds community and inner and outer health.

Throwing in the Founder’s Towel

Posted on September 7, 2009 by
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After many years of dealing with the unique struggles inherent in starting a community, a community founder discovers her vision manifested elsewhere, and becomes a community joiner.

Emergency Community

Posted on September 7, 2009 by
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After serving thousands of meals, a community of post-Katrina relief kitchen volunteers moves to the West Coast and acquires a mortgage, a baby, full-time jobs, and the challenges of the mundane.

Visions of Utopia, Part Two

Posted on June 7, 2009 by

Author: Tim Miller Published in Communities Magazine Issue #143 Visions of Utopia, Part Two Experiments in Sustainable Culture A Documentary by Geoph Kozeny Available from or 1-800-995-8342. ($30 plus… Read More

Lighten Up

Posted on June 7, 2009 by

Organized around common ecological values and a shared appreciation for the epic of evolution, a group of neighbors reduces its collective energy consumption by 25 percent.

Environmental Activism

Posted on June 7, 2009 by

With a long history of protecting the local watershed, Trillium Farm Community in southern Oregon grows not only organic food, but ecological activists.

Chicken à la West Birch Avenue

Posted on March 7, 2009 by

Author: Hilary Giovale Published in Communities Magazine Issue #142 We used to be a typical neighborhood. People were friendly enough and we waved to each other on our way into… Read More

Network for a New Culture Camps

Posted on March 7, 2009 by

Participants in NFNC’s Summer Camps explore intimacy, transparency, freedom of choice, personal responsibility, sexuality, and new ways of being, teaching, and learning.

Festivals and Gatherings on The Farm

Posted on March 7, 2009 by

A long-time events organizer reflects on the rewards, challenges, logistics, and community dynamics involved in hosting gatherings large and small.

All We Have Is All We Need

Posted on December 7, 2008 by

A group of North Americans establishes a community in Costa Rica and
learns new lessons about simplicity, wealth, change, growth, balance,
and happiness.

Abundance and Scarcity in the Goodenough Community

Posted on December 7, 2008 by

A community confronts economic adversity by remaining constant in relationship, holding financial losses in common, and working together in fundraising, educational programs, and new projects.

Free to Serve

Posted on December 7, 2008 by

While in similar circumstances to his neighbors from Clan Super Size, our author replaces a desperate sense of scarcity and need for low-cost goods with feelings of hope and abundance.

Running for Office from the Commune

Posted on September 7, 2008 by

Author: Nick Licata Published in Communities Magazine Issue #140 I opened my morning paper anxious to read the first article on my race for a position on Seattle’s City Council.… Read More

Every Politician Should Live in a Commune

Posted on September 7, 2008 by

After living in the PRAG House collective for 25 years before running for office, a Seattle City Councilor recommends that anyone entering politics consider experiencing intentional community first.

The Quest for Community

Posted on June 7, 2008 by

Tree Bressen traces her own path of exploration from commune to collective household, discovering that community isn’t always drawn in black and white.

A “Wife Swapping” Adventure

Posted on December 7, 2007 by

Can an ecovillage gal live for a week in a mainstream household–with a microwave oven, processed food on paper plates,five SUVs, and six tiny pedigreed show dogs–and make a difference?

The Meandering Paths of Arcadia

Posted on September 7, 2007 by
1 Comment

Builder and old-house renovator Alex Daniell fell in love with the charming, old-world village atmosphere of 8-year-old Arcadia Cohousing. He asks Giles Blunden, the group’s architect, how he did it.

Celebrating the Food Revolution

Posted on June 7, 2007 by

Red Earth Farms cofounder Alyson Ewald loves it that her rural community wildcrafts, grows, processes, ferments, pickles, and celebrates food.