Issue 179

Remembering Zendik: Mating in Captivity

Posted on August 2, 2018 by

Helen Zuman’s debut book describes in detail her six-year-long involvement with a radical intentional community that also fits many people’s definition of “cult.”

The Concrete Thinking of Hobbits

Posted on July 27, 2018 by

What makes Maitreya Mountain Village’s multi-functional Hobbit Hole so eco-friendly is that it’s constructed of concrete. Yes, you read that right.

From Blight to Beautiful: Renovating an Urban House By and For Community

Posted on July 20, 2018 by

An overgrown lot with a dilapidated house transforms into an urban permaculture oasis thanks to the efforts of the Bread and Roses Collective in Syracuse, New York.

A High-Performance Building for Cohousing: From Vision to Move-In

Posted on July 13, 2018 by

So you want to design, build, and live in community in the most ecologically positive building that can be built? After a decade-long pursuit of that goal, a co-creator of Capitol Hill Urban Cohousing recounts lessons learned along the way.

Good Neighbours with Earth: Using natural building materials in community-scale construction

Posted on June 29, 2018 by

Earthsong Eco-Neighbourhood offers their mistakes, successes, and learnings in the hope of encouraging the wider use of natural building materials and systems in cohousing projects.

Eco-Building at the Ecovillage (I Have Built a Home)

Posted on June 22, 2018 by
1 Comment

At Earthaven Ecovillage, the experience of planning, building, working with others, and living in the sensual, earthy “Leela”—part temple, part hideaway—proves to be a dream come true.

Building with Respect

Posted on June 15, 2018 by
1 Comment

Green building could be our salvation or hasten our destruction, depending on what we pursue and how. Here are a dozen suggestions to make the former more likely.

Ionia’s Barn Project: Where Community and Natural Building Meet

Posted on June 8, 2018 by

At this cooperative ecovillage, the barn is magical, a space that will make a liberating special meeting area, meditation nook, reading loft, and more…once, after nine long years of building, it is done.

Building in an Ecovillage: Lessons Learned

Posted on June 1, 2018 by

Yes, you can build your own house; you don’t have to do it alone; you don’t have to do it all…and 18 more tips from a professional builder who learned his trade at Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage.

Harmonious Homemade Habitat

Posted on May 30, 2018 by

Having built the strawbale house of her dreams, a Tolstoy Farm resident encourages others to use natural building and eco-materials to construct durable, nontoxic, low-impact, energy-efficient, and creative structures.

Building Collectively Is Greener, Easier, and Cheaper

Posted on May 28, 2018 by

Eco-building in community offers both opportunities and challenges, benefits and potential drawbacks, as compared to doing it alone.

Adventures of the Mini Moon: Realities of building your own earthen house with reused materials and volunteer labor

Posted on May 26, 2018 by

Becoming a general contractor for a project way beyond one’s abilities can be a powerful, humbling, community-building learning adventure, especially when the house is made of horse manure.

Eco-Building, #179 Contents and Free/By Donation Digital Download

Posted on May 24, 2018 by

For reasons both practical and ideological, intentional community has long been a hotbed of eco-building activity. In Communities’ “Eco-Building” issue (Summer 2018, #179), authors share their eco-building journeys, ranging from nearly-free stick-framed shelters to high-end green developments. They examine how to assess whether a building is actually “eco,” hard choices they’ve needed to make, the benefits and challenges of taking on eco-building projects in community, or of retrofitting vs. building new, and much more. Once again, the issue is available via free/by donation digital download at