All Blog Posts

Ecovillages in E Magazine

Posted on January 14, 2008 by

Environtal magazine E has an article on the ecovillage movement. For some reason they lead off with six paragraphs on Arocsanti before the get into the general ecovillage trend, mentioning… Read More

Ecohood Profiled in Plenty

Posted on January 14, 2008 by

Plenty Magazine has a short article on Eco Neighborhoods and urban ecology. Back-to-the-landers have been making a comeback of sorts, what with the rise of the farmers’ markets and localvores… Read More

Senior Cohousing in Rocky Mountain News

Posted on January 14, 2008 by

The Rocky Mountain News has an article on Senior Cohousing in Colorado, specifically featuring Silver Sage Cohousing. The couple, in their 60s, looked at various homes here until an ad… Read More

Cohousing Based Author Gives Simple Living Advice

Posted on January 14, 2008 by

The  Bouldenewspaper, The Daily Camera, has an article on a cohousing resident who has authored a book on simple living called Simple Prosperity: Finding Real Wealth in a Sustainable Lifestyle.… Read More

Green Mountain Communes Profiled on Indy Media

Posted on January 14, 2008 by

Indy Media of New Hampshire has a great article on a variety of communes in the Green Mountain area over the past few decades. Read the article.

Emma Goldman Finishing School in Yes! Magazine

Posted on January 14, 2008 by

Yes! magazine has an article on the intentional community, Emma Goldman Finishing School. EGFS is an income-sharing household in Seattle and the article describes how EGFS members make do working… Read More

Realtors talking up Cohousing for Seniors

Posted on December 22, 2007 by

More and more people are talking about senior and elder cohousing as well as multi-generational cohousing as a way for seniors to live out their later years in a supportive… Read More

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Washington Village Cohousing back to the drawing board

Posted on December 22, 2007 by

Boulder citizens have gotten the Wonderland Hill Development Corporation to rethink its plans for the Washington Village site. After a successful petition drive, WHDC says they will go back to… Read More

Podcast on cooperative options for seniors

Posted on December 19, 2007 by

A conference in Charlottesville, VA spoke to the question of innovative options for aging in community. The panel is moderated by Dene Peterson of the ElderSpirit Community and panelists include:… Read More

Cohousing as a way to care for aging boomers

Posted on December 19, 2007 by

WMBB discusses the tough question of how our society can care for our aging population as the baby boomers hit retirement. One option for aging boomers is cohousing: “We think… Read More

San Francisco to turn Treasure Island into an ecovillage

Posted on December 14, 2007 by

Well they aren’t using the term ecovillage yet but San Francisco is debating what to do with Treasure Island, a human made island in the SF Bay with a now-defunct… Read More

Worldwatch article on ecovillages and cohousing

Posted on December 12, 2007 by

In August Worldwatch published a nice article about ecovillages and cohousing and how they can help reduce one’s ecological footprint. This article is still getting picked up by other media,… Read More

Ecovillages in the real estate section

Posted on December 11, 2007 by

I always love seeing communities in the real estate section. Not when they are for sale, but when it seems they can’t figure out where else to put them. This… Read More

Quaker walkers visit Rosewind Cohousing and Port Townsend Ecovillage

Posted on December 10, 2007 by

Well travelling bloggers do seem to stop in communities often and its nice to get their first hand descriptions of the place. And if you thought biodiesel or bikes were… Read More

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Crozet Cohousing Podcast and News

Posted on December 9, 2007 by

Blue Ridge Cohousing is getting good press in the Charlottesville area. They got a very nice radio spot that you can listen to here: Podcast on Cohousing Read the article… Read More

Burlington Cohousing in dispute with neighbors

Posted on December 9, 2007 by

Residents at Burlington Cohousing East Village are moving into their new units but are dogged by an unresolved issue with their neighbors about the sale of a buffer zone between… Read More

Is it Cohousing? Richdale Place completed

Posted on December 9, 2007 by

A Boston real estate paper reported on the completion of a new cohousing development, Richdale Place Cohousing. This is a developer driven cohousing community and is built as single building… Read More

A “Wife Swapping” Adventure

Posted on December 7, 2007 by

Can an ecovillage gal live for a week in a mainstream household–with a microwave oven, processed food on paper plates,five SUVs, and six tiny pedigreed show dogs–and make a difference?

Preventing “Tyranny of the Minority”

Posted on December 7, 2007 by

Our consensus trainers and communication and process experts advise what to do about inadvertent “minority rule” in community.

From Eco-Kooks to Eco-Consultants

Posted on December 7, 2007 by

Ecovillages are increasingly being sought for their expertise–in wastewater treatment, environmental education, renewable energy, organic agriculture, leadership skills, communication training, and more.

Cassadaga Spiritualists in USAToday

Posted on December 7, 2007 by

The USAToday has picked up the AP story about Southern Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp that we mentioned last week. Read the Article.

Saskatoon Ecovillage on City Council Agenda

Posted on December 3, 2007 by

A project called the Ecovillage at River Landing is on the Saskatoon city council agenda for tonight. The ecovillage is a $21 million project of the Prairie Ecovillage Development Corporation.… Read More

Galveston paper profiles forming ecovillage

Posted on December 2, 2007 by

The Galveston Daily News ran a small article about a project just getting underway called Global Ecovillage. Read the article.

Commune woman loses child custody case

Posted on December 1, 2007 by

A woman from The Family community near San Diego, CA lost custody of her 5 year old son after she was accused of being part of a “notorious sex cult”.… Read More

Canadian Press Profiles Cassadaga Spiritualist

Posted on November 30, 2007 by

The Canadian Press (not sure what it is) has an article on the Southern Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp and how they communicate with the dead. Read the article.

Bikers blog about Abundance Ecovillage, Sandhill, Dancing Rabbit

Posted on November 30, 2007 by

Some bicyclers on a cross country trip are blogging about their travels which include stops at many communities. This one covers their stop at Abundance Ecovillage, Sandhill Farm, and Dancing… Read More

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Cohousing in the Blue Ridge Mountains

Posted on November 29, 2007 by

The Charlotessville Daily Progress has an article on the first cohousing community in central Virginia, Blue Ridge Cohousing. “It’s like a regular development except people have chosen to live closer… Read More

OUR Ecovillage on Peak Moment TV

Posted on November 29, 2007 by

This half-hour video, an interview with Brandy Gallagher MacPherson, shows how OUR Ecovillage on Vancouver Island, British Columbia is a positive response to things like peak oil. O.U.R. stands for… Read More

Filed Under: All Blog Posts, Video + TV

Diana Christian interview on Peak Moment TV

Posted on November 29, 2007 by

Here’s a 30 minute video of an interview with Diana Leafe Christian, author of Creating a Life Together. Communities Magazine editor Diana Leafe Christian concisely spells out what the successful… Read More

Filed Under: All Blog Posts, Video + TV

At Cohousing, the world doesn’t revolve around cars

Posted on November 29, 2007 by

This article laments the trend in housing where the front door has become a vestigial adornment and the garage doors are the main entrance to the home. Then the author… Read More