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Being “Overthrown”—A Celebration

Posted on September 7, 2010 by

The founder of Enright Ridge Urban Ecovillage describes what it’s like to be criticized, marginalized, stripped of leadership responsibilities, and given the opportunity to explore a new role.

LA Ecovillage Video on Yes! Magazine Website

Posted on August 15, 2010 by

Yes! Magazine has a video of Los Angeles Ecovillage on their website. Los Angeles’ Eco-Village from Streetfilms on Vimeo. “Urban ecovillages work with surrounding neighborhoods and the city at large… Read More

Filed Under: All Blog Posts, Video + TV

Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage’s Cob House in Yes!

Posted on August 14, 2010 by

Yes! magazine has an article and slideshow on one of Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage‘s cob houses. The article is on the cover of the upcoming issue of Yes! on Resilency. The… Read More

Egalitarian Community in Ethiopia

Posted on July 30, 2010 by

A recent article from looks at the progressive Awra Amba community in Ethiopia. Sixty-three-year-old Zumra Nuru, a longtime promoter of gender equality and religious freedom, founded the society in… Read More

The Independent looks at ‘Modern Communes’

Posted on July 14, 2010 by

A recent article in Britain’s Independent describes the successes of Lammas Eco-village, Brithdir Mawr and Steward Wood communities in the UK. If reassurance were needed that life in a commune… Read More

Profile of Mackenzie Heights Collective in Vancouver

Posted on July 14, 2010 by

British Columbia’s independent online magazine, The Tyee, posted a lengthy article a couple months ago on the advantages of collective living, profiling the Mackenzie Heights Collective. Currently housing five adults… Read More

Cooking Co-ops in the NY Times

Posted on June 25, 2010 by

The New York Times did a nice feature on cooking co-ops. A cooking co-op, or dinner swap, is simply an agreement by two or more individuals or households to provide… Read More

Harvard Magazine Features Nubanusit Neighborhood and Farm

Posted on June 21, 2010 by

Harvard Magazine has a nice feature on Nubanusit Farm and Neighborhood, a cohousing community in New Hampshire. They tore up the parking lot and put up a communal paradise. Or… Read More

Open Meetings: Worth the Risk?

Posted on June 7, 2010 by

Author: Beatrice Briggs Published in Communities Magazine Issue #147 Q: Our group is committed to education and to sharing our lives in community openly with others. We frequently host visitors,… Read More

Education for Sustainability

Posted on June 7, 2010 by

Author: Chris Roth Published in Communities Magazine Issue #147 I’m listening to the rain fall on the roof of Karma, the passive solar residence at Sandhill Farm where I’m staying… Read More

How to Add Zest to Your Sustainability Education Program

Posted on June 7, 2010 by

A permaculture teachers hits upon a gold mine of effective methods for enlivening her teaching—by drawing from the principles of permaculture itself.

Seeing the Good in the World

Posted on June 7, 2010 by

After several years teaching about community in the abstract, an anthropologist and environmental studies teacher finds that direct student engagement with intentional communities provides the spark needed for personal inspiration, connection, and the potential for social transformation.

To Learn Sustainability Is To Learn Community

Posted on June 7, 2010 by
1 Comment

Strained by difficult economic and ecological conditions, farmers Claudio and Fernando discover new avenues toward prosperity and land restoration through alliances with a peace community dedicated to regional renewal.

Live and Learn

Posted on June 7, 2010 by
1 Comment

The residents of an eco-oriented, education-focused intentional community and demonstration site wear many hats, both public and private.

BBC News Looks at Co-housing

Posted on June 4, 2010 by

In this video, the BBC‘s David Sillito checks out the co-housing movement, talking to members of a community in Dorset, England. Watch the video here.

Twin Oaks on CNN!

Posted on April 22, 2010 by

In this video produced by CNN, members of the Twin Oaks community in Louisa VA describe their goals and daily experiences, and demonstrate their shared commitment to sustainability. Check out… Read More

Feature Article on Cohousing in the Boston Globe

Posted on March 25, 2010 by

This week an article in the Boston Globe examines the growing momentum of the cohousing movement in Massachusetts, and discusses the importance of community and environmental consciousness to Boston residents.… Read More

London Times reports that “communes are back in fashion”

Posted on March 11, 2010 by

“We’re all in this together” is the headline of a recent article in the Real Estate section of the TimesOnline that looks favorably on the rise in sustainable communities in… Read More

Second Family

Posted on March 7, 2010 by

A mother responds to empty-nest syndrome by discovering her new family in community.

Together and Apart; Eden Within Eden

Posted on March 7, 2010 by

Reviews of two great books on community living, one on life in a convent with surprising insights even for the most secular, and one on the history of utopian experiments in Oregon.

From Visions of Utopia to “The Many Faces of Community”

Posted on March 7, 2010 by

Geoph Kozeny’s community documentary brings forth reflections on Hearthaven, discussions among neighbors and friends, and ultimately a new intergenerational family community.

Exploring Family

Posted on March 7, 2010 by

What do Hopi Indians, John Keats, lost loves, intentional community, and family have in common? For better or worse, they’ve combined to befuddle, enlighten, dismay, and inspire our author.

Growing Family in Community

Posted on March 7, 2010 by

Twelve-year-old Jibran has always lived with fuzzy boundaries between “family” and “community.” They became even fuzzier when he came home to discover his mom’s positive pee test.

Parenting in Community

Posted on March 7, 2010 by
1 Comment

Though “baby having” had not been a consensus decision, a small community embraces a newborn, survives his infancy, and bonds like any other family: doing each other’s dishes, snuggling on the couch, and fighting over who gets a shower before the hot water runs out.

Nudging at Boundaries

Posted on March 7, 2010 by
1 Comment

Easing themselves in and out of each other’s houses, yards, and chicken coops, members of White Hawk Ecovillage find traditional borders becoming more porous.

An Abundance of Dads

Posted on March 7, 2010 by

Four very different father figures help guide a communitarian son into adulthood, as he combines distinctive traits of each.

Transition towns in the USA!

Posted on February 22, 2010 by

Thanks for responses to the recent post about Transition Towns in Australia. This is also a thriving movement in the United States, and we wanted to share this link for… Read More

Transition Towns in Australia

Posted on February 14, 2010 by

Kim Jones, of the Sydney Morning Herald, advocates Transition Towns as a solution to suburban expansion and dwindling resources in Australia in a recent article. The recent trend of Transition… Read More

British Government funds ecovillage in Wales

Posted on January 3, 2010 by

Green Building Press reports that the British Government is donating 350,000 pounds (more than $500,000 US dollars) to the Lammas ecovillage, based in Pembrokeshire, Wales, to build an educational community… Read More

An article in South Africa’s Times Live looks at self-sustaining communities

Posted on December 11, 2009 by

A recent article in Times Live explores “the green life” at Khula Dhamma eco-village in the Eastern Cape province of South Africa. In a place where being able to use… Read More