Author: Sky Blue

Examining White Supremacy Culture in Intentional Community

Posted on July 4, 2020 by
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When white people ask the question, why aren’t there more POC living in intentional communities, one of the answers some speculate is that “they find community in other ways.” I… Read More

Filed Under: All Blog Posts

Loneliness is an Epidemic, Community is the Antidote

Posted on December 3, 2019 by

I’m embarrassed to admit it, but I’ve been pretty lonely lately.  Here I am, Executive Director of the Foundation for Intentional Community, and while technically I am living in a… Read More

Filed Under: All Blog Posts

Publisher’s Note: Facing the Hard Things

Posted on September 3, 2019 by

In order to create healthy, thriving communities that are replicable models for a cooperative, sustainable, and just human society, we need to talk about what hasn’t worked.

Cooperative Groups, the FIC, and Sexual Politics: Sharing, Learning, Healing, Persisting

Posted on May 26, 2019 by
1 Comment

In trying to undo generations of conditioning and trauma, we need to start with the mistakes, learn from them, learn how to love a little more, and try, try again.

✔️Let’s come together! 🗓️ Events in 2019

Posted on May 15, 2019 by

Conferences, Festivals, Gatherings Places where we can share stories, learn skills, and create the relationships we need to build our communities and our movement. Join us for these awesome events,… Read More

Filed Under: All Blog Posts

In community, On the road – Dispatch #8 – Arcosanti

Posted on April 18, 2019 by
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I got a little out of order, but to wrap up my first cross-country tour I wanted to share a little about Arcosanti. I only stayed there a night on… Read More

In community, On the road – Dispatch #7 – Taos Initiative for Life Together

Posted on April 17, 2019 by
1 Comment

“As Christians we have to atone and reconcile the atrocities done in the name of God.” That was Todd Wynward, during his 2 minutes in the intro go-round of the… Read More

Event season is here!

Posted on April 17, 2019 by

There are lots of great events coming up this year. FIC is proud to sponsor events that help bring people together to build your communities and build the movement. Info… Read More

In community, On the road – Dispatch #6b – Tools for Collective Self-Governance

Posted on April 16, 2019 by

Gleaning Wisdom from the Nonprofit Democracy Network In late March, Cassandra Ferrera, FIC Board member, and I participated in a training by the Nonprofit Democracy Network titled Tools for Collective… Read More

In community, On the road – Dispatch #6a – Relearning We

Posted on April 16, 2019 by

4 weeks and 6 communities later My first cross-country communities tour of the year ended with a 3 day training on Tools for Collective Self-Governance in Oakland, CA with the… Read More

Videos from Los Angeles Eco-Village

Posted on April 5, 2019 by


In community, On the road – Dispatch #5 – Los Angeles Eco-Village

Posted on April 5, 2019 by

It’s easier to recognize an intentional community when it’s rural. There’s simply less distraction and less interaction with the surrounding population. This has its pros and cons. The escapism and… Read More

In Community, On the Road – Dispatch #4 – Jackson, MS

Posted on March 23, 2019 by

I’m obsessed with relevance. I consider myself a global citizen with a shared responsibility to help make the world a better place. For me, intentional communities are not just an… Read More

Video from Koinonia Farm

Posted on March 17, 2019 by

In Community, On the Road – Dispatch #3 – Koinonia Farm

Posted on March 16, 2019 by
1 Comment

Koinonia Farm holds a special and largely unknown place in the intentional communities movement. Founded in 1942 near Americus, Georgia, the word Koinonia means fellowship or communion, or as it… Read More

Videos from Earthaven Ecovillage

Posted on March 15, 2019 by

In Community, On the Road – Dispatch #2 – Earthaven Ecovillage

Posted on March 9, 2019 by

I last visited Earthaven Ecovillage in 2001, when I came down with some other Twin Oakers for an FIC Art of Community conference. I was this fresh faced 20 year… Read More

In Community, On the Road – Dispatch #1 – The Journey Begins

Posted on March 8, 2019 by

On March 1st I left my home of Twin Oaks Community and hit the road. I’ve been the Executive Director of the FIC for over 3 years now, and while… Read More

Black Land Matters: An Interview with Leah Penniman of Soul Fire Farm

Posted on February 24, 2019 by

Headquartered on a community farm, a nonprofit, people-of-color-led organization works to dismantle racism in the food system by increasing farmland stewardship by people of color, promoting equity in food access, and training the next generation of activist farmers.

Land in a Sustainable and Just Society

Posted on February 17, 2019 by

To value equally the needs of all life and all people, we need to shift our land-use approach away from control towards access and stewardship.

International Communal Studies Association 2019 Conference

Posted on February 14, 2019 by

The FIC is a proud co-sponsor of the 2019 Conference of the International Communal Studies Association, which will take place July 18-21, 2019, at the four Camphill communities located near… Read More

Community for the Health of it

Posted on January 21, 2019 by

National Cohousing Conference, May 30 – June 2, 2019 The FIC is a proud co-sponsor of the 2019 National Cohousing Conference, hosted by the Cohousing Association of the US. We’ll… Read More

Filed Under: All Blog Posts

It’s not too late!

Posted on January 1, 2019 by

Welcome to 2019! The holidays are officially behind us, and with them, the holiday giving season. This time of year can bring so much joy, and it can also bring… Read More

Filed Under: All Blog Posts

Planet Community: Holistic solutions to systemic problems – Help us launch a new video series!

Posted on July 9, 2018 by

  We’re creating a new web series! Please support our Kickstarter campaign!   Okay y’all, we’ve got a problem.  Let’s get real. We are facing multiple, interconnected global dangers, rooted… Read More

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Transition Towns and Intentional Communities – Community Builders Forum – Webinar #8

Posted on April 27, 2018 by

Transition Towns: Intentional Communities for the 99% What to look forward to in this webinar: While building and growing intentional communities is an important part of the resilience-building work of… Read More

Filed Under: Podcasts + Webinars

Cohousing Conferences in 2018!

Posted on March 6, 2018 by

      Cohousing Conferences in 2018! Regional Cohousing Conference – Boulder CO Canadian Cohousing Conference – Vancouver BC Regional Cohousing Conference – Amherst MA by Sky Blue, FIC Executive Directory The FIC is… Read More

Fundraising for the Revolution – Community Builders Forum – Webinar #7

Posted on February 7, 2018 by

Being true to yourself, and keeping your sanity, while raising money What to look forward to in this webinar: We’ll conduct most of this webinar “clinic” style. That means that… Read More

Makin’ It Happen, Cooperatively – Community Builders Forum – Webinar #6

Posted on February 2, 2018 by

What to look forward to in this webinar: Creating a world that works for all people and the planet will take an unprecedented level of cooperation. Easier said than done.… Read More

Filed Under: Podcasts + Webinars

Help share the Wisdom of Communities with the world – crowdfunding!

Posted on January 27, 2018 by

      Help Share the Wisdom of Communities Crowdfunding our new 4-volume book series A Radical Idea Here’s a Radical Idea: We can work together to take care of… Read More

Filed Under: All Blog Posts, Newsletter

The Global Movement of Ecovillages – Community Builders Forum – Webinar #5

Posted on December 21, 2017 by

What to look forward to in this webinar: Ecovillages are communities striving to live well and lightly together. From appropriate technologies to holistic health; from sustainable agriculture to group facilitation,… Read More