Area Communities featured in Seattle Times

Posted on January 29, 2008 by

There is a great article in the real estate section of the Seattle Times on intentional communities in the Seattle area.

The article focuses mostly on the 15 cohousing communities in the Seatttle area featuring Jackson Place Cohousing and Songaia Cohousing.

But at Jackson Place, the layout of the development encourages community interaction. All units have kitchens that face a common courtyard. Each member is expected to contribute at least three hours per month on a “team” that helps manage the property.

Seattle communities are very active in the Northwest Intentional Communities Association (NICA) which helps communities in the pacific Northwest connect and collaborate.

Craig Ragland, of Songaia, says that the number of people attending the local informational meetings of the Northwest Intentional Community Association (NICA), held twice a year, tripled from about 40 to 120 in the past year. NICA’s winter meeting is March 8. There also is an informational event Feb. 20 at Jackson Place.

Read the Article.

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