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Unleash the Power of our Differences Series: White Fragility

June 15, 2022 @ 12:00 PM 2:00 PM CDT

Jun 15th | 1:00-3:00pm Eastern

Unleash the Power of our Differences Series

White Fragility

The series continues with an exploration of your vision and purpose and how to live in solidarity across differences with others.

Join presenter, Elliott Butler-Cisneros, for another powerful workshop in the Unleash the Power of Our Differences series. In this workshop, we’ll explore safe structures to transform fragility and vulnerability into hearth-strengthening assets for ourselves and our communities.

During this session:

  • Examine the assumptions and payoffs for white fragility
  • Explore how fragility around whiteness is useful in understanding our fragility in other areas
  • Begin the work of re-tooling our fragility (in all areas) with both gentleness and self-accountability
  • Practice these tools and apply them to a community context

Workshop Presenter

Elliott Butler-Cisneros

Elliott comes from a bi-cultural, multi-racial background. He taught in special education on the Navajo reservation and directed a transition program serving students with disabilities. He worked as an administrator at predominantly Latino elementary and an experiential school in Colorado. He taught multicultural classes at Naropa University and directed the Human Rights Office for the City of Fort Collins.

In 2006, Elliott founded The Sum and moved to Charlottesville, VA after the Unite the Right Rally in 2017 to support the communities’ cross-racial process. With The Sum, he has developed the Power of Difference Model, Assessment and Certification; Solidarity Circles and Protocols; and the Welcome Circle–a faith community that gathers in the sacredness of welcome itself.


The Online Event Experience


Live Zoom Sessions

Nothing pre-recorded here! When you sign-up for an event with FIC, you’ll have the opportunity to join a live session on Zoom with the event presenter/facilitator and other participants.

Affordable and Accessible

All our events are run on a sliding scale basis. Generous donations cover the costs for low-income attendees. FIC is committed to making our programs accessible to people of all walks of life.

Watch the Recording

You’ll receive the recording of your event to view for up to one month (unless otherwise noted). So don’t worry if you can’t attend a live session. Watch or listen whenever it is convenient for you.

Loved by Community Builders

What a beautiful gift to our intentional community builders and leaders! FIC’s programs provide a way for thinking and concerned people to collaborate for solutions to our multitude of global crises. Thank you FIC!Terri Garcia

I am constantly impressed by the down-to-earth practicality of the FIC workshops combined with the philosophical questions that are so vital for us to explore. I’m grateful for the excellent planning and delivery of the workshops by skilled and inclusive presenters, who create a space that is both welcoming and invites participants to challenge existing ideas and world views. Well done and thank you FIC.Claire Ogden

$10 – $40

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