Bruderhof Communities–Love Your Neighbor, Share Everything

by Joe Hine
Communities with Openings


We’re the Bruderhof, a one-hundred-year old communal movement with multiple locations on four continents – one of the oldest existing intentional communities in the world today. And yeah, we don’t actually share everything – certainly not our toothbrushes – but we have no personal possessions, and we believe that sharing our lives and finances is the answer to all that is wrong with society today.

We’re not perfect people, but we’re willing to venture everything to build a life where there are no rich or poor. Where everyone is cared for, everyone belongs, and everyone can contribute.

We pool all our income, talents, and energy to take care of one another and to reach out to others. We believe that God wants to transform our world, here and now. This requires a life of discipleship and sacrificial commitment; however, when you truly love your neighbor as yourself, peace and justice become a reality.

Visit us to see how – and why – this works!

Our common values are the teachings of Jesus and our faith in him. Ultimately, we’re not living for intentional community but for Jesus, who calls all people to himself. His two greatest commandments are “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength,” and “Love your neighbor as yourself.” We believe that communal living is the best way to follow these commands.

This then leads us to share all our resources in a community of goods. In order for this to work, you have to be fully committed to the idea. So none of us owns any property in our name, none of us receives a paycheck, stipend, or allowance, and membership is a lifetime commitment.

Of course, once you’ve lived in fully intentional community for a while you wonder why people live any other way. A lot of the day-to-day problems people deal with – paying bills, getting a meal on the table, finding a good school for their children, access to medical care, feeling isolated – are answered by living without personal possessions, property, or money.

For more details about how we live together – common housing, work, meals, and so forth – visit our site to read about community of goods, or see these sections of our rule of life, Foundations of our Faith and Calling.

We’ve also got a great book on life in community, Called to Community, as well as a short essay by our founder, Why We Live in Community.

You should also check out our community’s blog, our Youtube channel, our Facebook page, and our Instagram and Twitter feeds. We have several new blog posts, videos, and photos every week to keep you in the loop.

Have questions? Read our Frequently Asked Questions, or contact us today to schedule your visit to one of the oldest intentional communities in the world, or email Red Zimmerman at