Cohousing in Delaware Evokes Historical Arden Villages

Posted on May 15, 2008 by

Another cohousing community is not big news these days but this article in Delaware Online had an interesting twist, drawing the connection to Delaware’s historical Arden Villages. The three villages of Arden, Ardentown, and Ardencroft were founded in the early 1900s based on Henry George’s single-tax theory and were part of the Garden City Movement.

While the goals and theories behind the Arden Villages and cohousing are quite different they are both examples of movements to intentionally reshape our human settlements for a greater good. Both foster a sense of community and an attention to the ecological effects of our homes, neighborhoods, and cities.

The article focuses on Empty-Nest Cohousing and Concord VIllage which are both looking for land in Delaware.

Read the article on Cohousing and Arden Village in Delaware.Cohousing in Delaware Evokes Historical Arden Villages

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